
From 25 November stop to oil refilling in Italy

Olio Officina

After Spain, Italy introduces from 25 November 2014 obligation to use olive oils with anti-refilling caps in restaurants, pubs and inns according to the EU law 161/2014, published in the “Gazzetta Ufficiale” of November 10 and containing the new standards for transparency regarding oil served at the table.

The EU law is aimed at ensuring clarity and transparency to protect consumers and producers from false and sophistication, which every year snatches “made in Italy” foodsystem some 1.1 billion Euros. Article 18 provides in fact that “the virgin olive oils offered in packs in restaurants, pubs and inns must be submitted in labeled containers in accordance with local regulations, provided with a suitable closing device, so that the contents cannot be altered without opening or altering the package”.

The law sets a permanent and immediate ban to reuse the bottle and to refill it with inferior oils after the exhaustion of the original content written on the label. The penalty varies from 1,000 to 8,000 Euros, with confiscation of the product.

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