Olive juice
A guide to olive oils, from their production to their wise use. A polyphonic volume featuring multiple voices and opinions. Here you will find everything you need to know, explained in a simple, yet rigorously scientific language

Are we certain that habit and frequency of use are tantamount to a real and full knowledge of that precious and healthy product that is extra virgin olive oil?
The oil produced every year in Italy is now widely acknowledged as the unique combination of skilled workmanship and a vast, rich biodiversity. The result is a product that spells out our identity as a people, and is a hallmark of the Italian character.
With Succo di olive. Guida ragionata alla conoscenza degli oli, dalla produzione al consumo consapevole (Olive juice. A guide to olive oils, from their production to their wise use), a new world will unfold in front of the reader’s eyes, who will therefore acquire a clearer insight into the subject.
This book, with its wide appeal, saw the light thanks to the collaboration between Olio Officina and the Province of Rimini. The latter authority has been promoting the local agricultural resources for quite a while through a variety of enterprises, and published numerous books, including that called Un filo d’olio (A drop of oil). The latter volume provided the backbone for this new book: after many editions, it has now been thoroughly revised and new chapters have been added, and a new book has seen the light, Succo di olive.
The message and contents of the twelve chapters comprising this book are made even more accessible thanks to the approach used, targeted at the non-experts. The aim is to introduce the reader to a world endowed with a captivating charm, analyzing in particular subjects of general interest, such as the effects of oils on our health, how to read the labels and the best ways to use extra virgins for our dishes.
Various Authors
Edited by Giovanni Lercker, Luigi Caricato, Stefano Cerni, Lorenzo Cerretani
Succo di olive. Guida ragionata alla conoscenza degli oli, dalla produzione al consumo consapevole
Olio Officina
pp. 256, 30 euro
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