
The Olive Tree Genome

The book - edited by Eddo Rugini, Luciana Baldoni, Rosario Muleo and Luca Sebastiani - gives an introductory overview on genetics, genomics and growing of olive trees. These enduring and multifunctional trees are relevant not only for table and oil olives production, but also for the landscape and history of rural areas

Olio Officina

The Olive Tree Genome

This book provides an introduction to the genetics, genomics, and breeding of the olive tree, a multi-functional long-lived crop plant that is relevant not only for culinary olive and oil production, but also for shaping the landscape and history of many rural areas for centuries.

Today, the recognized health benefits of extra-virgin olive oil provide new impulses for introducing innovation in olive crop management and olive breeding for a deeper understanding of the biological processes underlying fruit quality, adaptation to crop environment and response to threatening epidemics due to biological agents such as Xylella fastidiosa.

The individual chapters discuss genetic resources; classic and modern breeding methods for providing new olive cultivars; the genotype x environment interactions determining the response to biotic and abiotic stresses; fruit metabolism related to oil production and the synthesis of health beneficial molecules; the mapping of genes and quantitative trait locus; and genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic strategies pertinent to the development of a molecular platform and template amenable to precise and rapid genetic modifications using recently developed genome editing tools.


Origin and Domestication
Guillaume Besnard

Olive Biology
Hava F. Rapoport, Andrea Fabbri and Luca Sebastiani

Olive Genetic Resources
Angjelina Belaj, Melek Gurbuz Veral, Hassane Sikaoui, Abdelmajid Moukhli, Bouchaib Khadari, Roberto Mariotti and Luciana Baldoni

Olive Growing in a Time of Change: From Empiricism to Genomics
Luis Rallo, Tiziano Caruso, Concepción M. Díez and Giuseppe Campisi

Genetic Mapping and Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci
Luciana Baldoni, Bouchaib Khadari and Raul De La Rosa

Host Response to Biotic Stresses
Giandomenico Corrado, Antonio Garonna, Carmen Gómez-Lama Cabanás, Maria Gregoriou, Giovanni P. Martelli, Kostas D. Mathiopoulos, Jesús Mercado-Blanco, Maria Saponari, Konstantina T. Tsoumani and Rosa Rao

Physiological Responses to Abiotic Stresses
Luca Sebastiani, Riccardo Gucci, Zohar Kerem and José Enrique Fernández

Metabolomics of Olive Fruit: A Focus on the Secondary Metabolites
Maurizio Servili, Beatrice Sordini, Sonia Esposto, Agnese Taticchi, Stefania Urbani and Luca Sebastiani

Genome Sequencing, Transcriptomics, and Proteomics
Rosario Muleo, Michele Morgante, Federica Cattonaro, Simone Scalabrin, Andrea Cavallini, Lucia Natali, Gaetano Perrotta, Loredana Lopez, Riccardo Velasco and Panagiotis Kalaitzis

Olive Breeding with Classical and Modern Approaches
Eddo Rugini and Ciro De Pace

Photo by Giorgio Sorcinelli

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