Open call for experts and laboratories working on possible contaminants in olive oils and olive-pomace oils

The IOC Executive Secretariat would like to invite experts and laboratory leaders working on possible contaminants in olive oils and olive-pomace oils to express their interest in participating in data collection and method validation. The IOC Working Group on the determination of contaminant residues in olive oils and olive-pomace oils is actively carrying out several studies on the following topics:
MOSH (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons) and MOAH (Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
Method of analysis, analytical error (LOQ and LOD) MOSH-MOAH.AM
Data on the presence of these contaminants in oils, for each commercial category MOSH-MOAH.DC
Investigation about the possible cause of contamination and ways of minimising it MOSH-MOAH.DC2
3-MCPD (3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol)
Data on the presence of these contaminants in oils, for each commercial category 3-MCPD.DC
HAPs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
Method revision for the determination of HAPs HAPs.ME
Method validation for specific HAPs HAPs.ME2
Experts in the sector, especially those with analytical facilities and skilled personnel able to perform the required analyses, are invited to contact the IOC Executive Secretariat. Experts from IOC member and non-member countries are also invited. Please refer to the code reported in the above list when communicating with us about your expression of interest.
Photo by Olio Officina
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