Oleum 2nd Workshop – Bologna 11 dicembre 2019 – Hands on New Analytical Methods for Quality & Authenticity of Olive oil

A key part of the Oleum project is the development of new methods for measuring quality and authenticity of olive oil. These methods are needed not only to improve the efficiency of existing analytical methods and procedures, but also to prevent and detect more sophisticated frauds that can take place today.
Following on from the 1st Oleum workshop in Seville (Spain), Oleum now organises the second workshop with the aim of bringing even more experts in the field together to discuss two newly developed analytical methods.
The two new method are:
– Determination of free and esterified sterols
– Determination of volatiles compounds (targeted and untargeted approach) and use of sensory reference materials (Quantitative Panel Test)
If you are currently working in the area of olive oil analysis in a private or public laboratory, now the Oleum Project offers you the opportunity to attend this Free workshop to:
1. explain and discuss these two methods in detail with the intended users, i.e. the analytical laboratories that routinely analyse olive oil (session led by the principal investigators);
2. contribute to the finalization of the Standard Operating Procedures (Sop) prior to commencing the full validation (analysing advantages and eventual drawbacks);
3.discuss the results of the pre-validation trial.
4. publicly disseminate the methods;
5. highlight other related analytical needs/opportunities.
We warmly invite you to attend this free one day workshop, which is conveniently organised on the 11th of December 2019, just before the Italian Society for Fats and Oils Researches (Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Sostanze Grasse) workshop on the occurrence and analytical topics of MOSH and MOAH in edible fats and oils. The 2nd Oleum workshop brings together experts and analytical laboratories working in the field of olive oil analysis. This special mix of scientific and practical input to the workshop will be a valuable opportunity for participants to receive training on the analytical methods, learn from practical experiences, and exchange ideas with peers to help shape of the future of olive oil analysis.
Register now to secure your place. We hope to welcome you in Bologna, on the 11th of December 2019!
For the workshop’s venue, the nearest parking and public transport information please check again.
09:30 – 09:45 | Opening remarks from the coordination team
09:45 – 11:00 | Session 1: Training workshop on the SPE/GC-FID method to detect both free and esterified sterols (M2)
11:00 – 11:30 | Coffee break
11:30 – 13:30 | Session 2: Training workshop on the SPME-GC-MS and SPME-GC-FID targeted methods to analyse selected volatile compounds (M4A)
13:30 – 14:30 | Networking lunch
14:30 – 15:45 | Session 3: Training workshop on the screening method to support the Panel test based on the volatile GC-MS fingerprint (M4B)
15:45 – 16:15 | Coffee break
16:15 -17:30 | Session 4: Training workshop on the sensory analysis of virgin olive oils with the use of two Reference Materials (M4C)
17:30 – 18:00 | Closing remarks
All sessions include detailed presentation of the method with video and props when available, citing the available pre-trial results on method performance characteristics and open discussion with feedback from the participants on the draft SOPs.
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