
Life Olive4climate

In Perugia, there will be an important conference where it will be discussed a "hot" theme of the present day: climate change. It will try to understand how to intervene and what will be the possible solutions to mitigate the effects that could be reflected on the crops

Olio Officina

Life Olive4climate

The meeting for the Life Olive4climate project will take place on Tuesday, December 3rd at the Aula Magna del Complesso Monumentale di San Pietro. (Aula Magna of the Monumental Complex of St. Peter’s.)

The conference will be attended by leading figures from the Umbria Region, the University of Perugia, as well as journalists, entrepreneurs, and representatives of organizations related to the world of agribusiness and not only



Partecipant Registration


Istitutional Welcome Greetings
Rector of the University of Perugia – Prof. M. Oliviero
Director of Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences of Perugia -Prof. G. Martino
President of World Association of Agronomists -Dr. A. Sisti

Primo Proietti

Keynote Speeches


Enlightened entrepreneurship for an olive growing in harmony with the Nature – Knighthood Dr. B. Cucinelli (Brunello Cucinelli S.p.a.)


Tree crops as a CO2 pool in the Mediterranean. Linking agriculture and climate policies – Prof. K. Bithas(Panteion University, Atene)


Climate change mitigation through a sustainable olive oil supply chain: potential benefits for producers – Prof. P. Proietti, Dr. L. Regni (Unipg)


Greenhouse gas emissions: impact quantification and mitigation strategies on olive oil supply chain – Dr. N. Evangelisti, Prof. F. Castellani (Unipg)


Third party verification of Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions quantification for olive oil – Dott.ssa A. Morelli, Dott.ssa C. Reho (SGS Italia S.p.A.)


Coffee Break


Carbon sequestration in the olive groves and sustainability credits – Dr. A. Brunori, Dr. F. Dini (Pefc Italia)


Carbon sequestration in different types of olive groves – Prof. T. La Mantia Prof. F. Marra, Dr. G. Sala, Prof. T. Caruso (Università degli Studi di Palermo)


Profitability and environmental sustainability in the production of extra virgin olive oil – Prof. B. Torquati (UniPg)


Measures to support olive growing environmental sustainability in RDP 2014-2020 – Dr. F. Garofalo (Regione Umbria)


National policies as regards environmental sustainability in agriculture – Dr. G. Blasi(Dipartimento delle politiche europee e internazionali e dello sviluppo rurale – Mipaaf)


Environmental sustainability as deiving force for the agro-food sector – Prof. Esq. A. Pecoraro Scanio (President of the Fondazione UniVerde)


Buffet in the monumental complex in San Pietro

Keynote Speeches


Digital tools in the olive grove planning to optimize carbon sequestration – Prof. F. Bianconi,Dr. M. Filippucci (UniPg)


Olive germoplasm and environmental protection – Dr. L. Baldoni(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Perugia)


Interest of Italian olive oil supply chain in Olive4Climate project – Dr. A. Scaramozzino(Unaprol, Consorzio Olivicolo Italiano)


Involvement of olive growers and implementation of Olive4Climate Best Practices in Greece – Dr. T. Papasideri, Dr. C. Stavropolou (Institouto Agrotikis & Synetairistikis Oikonomias – Paseges – Greece)


Interest in Olive4Climate project from olive growing-oil production supply in Israel – Dr. G. Ben Ari (Agricultural Research Organization – Volcani Center – Israel)


Role of Local Authorities in promoting a sustainable olive oil supply chain – Mayor of Assisi Prof. S. Proietti


Role of sustainability for the recognition of Assisi-Spoleto Olive Belt as Unesco Heritage – Mayor of Trevi Prof. B. Sperandio


The new challenges in the olive oil word market – Dr. M. Bungaro (Head of the Observatory and Information System Department at International Olive Oil Council, Madrid – Spain)


Discussion and conclusions
Olive-oil journalist – Dott. L. Caricato

Thankfully for the news Primo Proietti

The opening photo is by Luigi Caricato

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