Livingagro capitalization webinar
Research and Innovation for the Mediterranean multi-functional olive systems, June 28th 2022 from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. via Zoom

Multi-functional olive systems in the Mediterranean Basin include agroforestry systems that strongly contribute to supporting local economies, providing both plant and animal products.
Today, there is a strong demand from farmers for an integrated system of good practices that guarantee the sustainability of production, the transfer of innovation and the increase in profitability for the territories/actors involved.
The Livingagro project addresses these issues using an Open Innovation approach, based on the establishment of a Living Laboratory on multi-functional olive systems that will allow to co-create economic and social values and the interactions between supply and demand, eliminating geographical and cultural barriers.
This webinar will offer the opportunity for capitalizing the main innovations that have arisen from research and technological development projects conducted in recent years or still active in Mediterranean countries.
Meeting agenda
Facilitator: Federica Romano (Livingagro Project, Italy)
9.30 a.m. – Welcome and Introduction
Sara Maltoni, Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.t.a.s.) – Italy
Claudio Porqueddu, National Research Council – Institute for Animal Production System in Mediterranean Environment (Cnr Ispaam) of Sassari – Italy
9.40 a.m. – Role and current trend of the multi-functional olive systems
Luciana Baldoni, National Research Council – Institute of Biosciences and BioResources (Cnr Ibbr) of Perugia – Italy
Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (Maich) – Greece
Milad El Riachi, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (Lari) – Lebanon Salam Ayoub, National Agricultural Research Center (Narc) – Jordan
10.20 a.m. – Outcomes of the “Arimnet Reforma” Project
Luciano Pecetti, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (Crea) – Italy
10.35 a.m. – Outcomes of the “Molti” Project
Enrico Lodolini, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (Crea) – Italy
10.50 a.m. – Open discussion
11.30 a.m. – Closing remarks
Adolfo Rosati, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (Crea) – Italy
To download the program in Pdf format, you can click HERE
Photo Olio Officina©
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