
International Mario Solinas Quality Award 2019

Between 11 and 15 March, members of the international panel of the 2019 edition of the Mario Solinas Award judged the 164 contenders and have selected the top three winners from each group, as well as the finalist oils

Olio Officina

International Mario Solinas Quality Award 2019

n all, 164 oils have competed for the International Olive Council’s Mario SolinasQuality Award 2019, announced in May 2018, with entries from Angola (1), Algeria (4), Brazil (1), China (2), Croatia (1), Greece (2), Italy (4), Morocco (22), Portugal (37), Saudi Arabia (1), Spain (80), Tunisia (7) and Turkey (2).

Entries were submitted by individual producers, producers’ associations or packers.

According to the competition rules released in May 2018, entries for this first edition were classified in one of the following sections on the basis of the median intensity of their fruitiness:


Green fruitiness: Intense fruitiness, Medium fruitiness, Mild fruitiness

Ripe fruitiness

EVOO from the southern hemisphere

All the oils entered for this edition were assessed by the international panel of judges who selected the six oils with the highest scores in each section.

Next, the international panel selected the winner of the first prize in each section according to a special 100-point score sheet which marks them for their olfactory, gustatory and retronasal sensations and their harmony, complexity and persistence. The judges also proposed the second and third prize winners and finalists in each competition section to the Executive Secretariat.

Only one oil competed in the new section for extra virgin olive oils from the southern hemisphere, but considering that it is stored in the northern hemisphere, it has been included in the medium green fruitiness category for the northern hemisphere.




First prize

Intense green fruitiness:

Almazara de Muela, S.L., Priego de Córdoba (Córdoba) – Spain

Medium green fruitiness:

S.C.A. del Campo “El Alcázar”, Baeza (Jaén) – Spain

Mild green fruitiness:

Elaia 2 – Investimentos S.A., Ferreira do Alentejo – Portugal

Ripe fruitiness:

Azienda Agricola Sabino Leone, Canosa di Puglia (BT) – Italy

Second prize

Intense green fruitiness:

Almazaras de la Subbética S.C.A., Carcabuey (Córdoba) – Spain

Medium green fruitiness:

Goya en Spain, S.A.U., Alcalá de Guadaira (Sevilla) – Spain

Mild green fruitiness:

Fima Olá – Productos Alimentares S.A., Lisboa – Portugal

Ripe fruitiness:

Unilever Fima Lda, Lisboa – Portugal

Third prize

Intense green fruitiness:

S.C.A. Olivarera la Purísima, Priego de Córdoba (Córdoba) – Spain

Medium green fruitiness:

Hermanos Melgarejo, C.B., Pegalajar (Jaén) – Spain

Mild green fruitiness:

La Pontezuela S.L.U, Madrid – Spain

Ripe fruitiness:

Biolive Company, Zaghouane – Tunisia


Intense green fruitiness

1st Oleícola San Francisco, S.L., Begíjar (Jaén) – Spain

2nd Nobleza del Sur/Aceites Castellar, S.L., Castellar (Jaén) – Spain

3rd Casas de Hualdo, S.L., Madrid – Spain

Medium green fruitiness

1st La Inmaculada Concepción S.C.A., la Roda de Andalucía (Sevilla) – Spain

2nd Société Domaine Arije, Marrakech, Morocco

3rd Ntra. Sra. de los Remedios – Oro de Canava, Jimena (Jaén) – Spain

Mild green fruitiness

1st Refugio Verde, Lda., Beja – Portugal

2nd Sovena – Portugal Consumer Goods, S.A., Algés – Portugal

3rd S.C.A. Ntra. Sra. de la Fuensanta, Fuensanta de Martos (Jaén) – Spain

Ripe fruitiness

1st Celso Hernâni Gastalho Madeira, Vilar de Amargo – Portugal

2nd Ourogal, S.A., S. Miguel do Rio Torto (Abrantes)- Portugal

3rd Aceites Olivar del Valle, S.L., Bolaños (Ciudad Real) – Spain

The Mario Solinas Awards ceremony will be held during the Summer Fancy Food Show 2019 in New York (United States).

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