Oil wrestling
Do you know about oil wresting tournaments? In Turkey yağlı güreş is a national sport.
Inebriation is close to eroticism, drunkenness to pornography. Have you read I Drink Therefore I am: A Philosopher's Guide to Wine, by Roger Scruton? This exquisite work introduces the reader to the secret soul of wines. Thoughts race, feelings break free and words dance away. Even in silence. Because it is the inner voice that speaks.
Do you know about oil wresting tournaments? In Turkey yağlı güreş is a national sport.
Let's know the winners of the 33rd Masi Prize, a unique marriage between wine, culture and true values. Because culture points the way to a new understanding amongst peoples that can also lead to a brighter economic future.
Did you ever notice that the emblem depicted on the flag of the United Nations, in white on a light blue background, includes olive tree branches, symbolizing peace?