
Olive oil stocked in Italy. Update of 31 March 2022

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers, which at 31 March 2022 are 22,129. Olive oils: 338,881 tons in stocks. Compared to 28 February 2022 a 6.7% decrease was recorded (363,086 tons). Stocks are 7.5% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked in Italy. Update of 28 February 2022

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers, which at 28 February 2022 are 22,669. Olive oils: 363,086 tons in stocks. Compared to 31 January 2022 a 2.6% increase was recorded (353,767 tons). Stocks are approximately the same (-0.4%) than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

A Brief History of the Quantum Paradigms in Psychopathology

In the past few years, quantum-psychological and quantum-neurodynamical ideas have provided alternative hypotheses concerning the genesis and nature of mental illness. Starting in 2012, every year an interdisciplinary group of scientists has been meeting in various locations in Italy to provide presentations on recent advances in this field and engage in vigorous scientific debates

Massimo Cocchi

Olive oil stocked in Italy. Update of 31 January 2022

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers, which at 31 January 2022 are 22,613. Olive oils: 353,767 tons in stocks. Compared to 31 December 2021 a 18.3% increase was recorded (299,075 tons). Stocks are 1.5% higher than the stocks recorded the same period of last year.

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked in Italy. Update f 31 December 2021

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers, which at 31 December 2021 are almost 23,000. Olive oils: 299,075 tons in stocks. Compared to 30 November 2021 a 30.0% increase was recorded (230,138 tons). Stocks are 11.1% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

A new method developed by Innovhub Sei for the Determination of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol content in extra virgin olive oils

During the last virtual meeting of Iso/Tc34/Sc11 “Animal and vegetable fats and oils” on 18-22 november 2022, the italian delegation of the experts of the Gl18 working group “Oils, animal and vegetable fats, seeds and oleaginous fruits” of Agrifood Commission Uni Ct 003, headed by the project leader Pierangela Rovellini, presented the lasts results relative to the method “Iso/Ts 23942:2020 - Determination of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol content in extra virgin olive oils

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked in Italy. Update f 30 November 2021

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers, which at 30 November 2021 are almost 23,000. Olive oils: 230,138 tons in stocks. Compared to 30 October 2021 an 18.2% increase was recorded (194,741 tons). Stocks are 21.4% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

I forget why I eat and I forget because I eat

Metabolic health also requires a good memory. A study coordinated by the Institute of biomolecular chemistry of the Cnr describes a functional alteration of the neuronal circuit that regulates episodic memory in a mouse model of obese subjects. This circuit links neurogenesis during obesity and can influence decision-making processes, including those related to food choices, from an early age. The study is published in Nature Communications

The National Research Council - Italy

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Extra-Eu27 imports of olive oil

Crop year is understood as the period from 1 September of year t to 30 October of year t+1. Data for January and February 2021 for the United Kingdom were not available. Trade value at free on board (FOB) rate. Export volume in tonnes, 1t = 1000kg = […]

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked in Italy. Update of 31 October 2021

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers, which at 31 October 2021 are almost 23,000. Olive oils: 194,741 tons in stocks. Compared to 30 September 2021 an 7.5% decrease was recorded (210,595 tons). Stocks are 22.7% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

International Symposium on olive oil & health

The the third international Yale symposium and IV congress of olive oil and health will turn Jaén into a world benchmark in research on the olive sector. The Executive Secretariat of the International Olive Oil Council will follow and disseminate the results of the work of these international events

Olio Officina

International Symposium on olive oil & health

The the third international Yale symposium and IV congress of olive oil and health will turn Jaén into a world benchmark in research on the olive sector. The Executive Secretariat of the International Olive Oil Council will follow and disseminate the results of the work of these international events

Olio Officina

International Symposium on olive oil & health

The the third international Yale symposium and IV congress of olive oil and health will turn Jaén into a world benchmark in research on the olive sector. The Executive Secretariat of the International Olive Oil Council will follow and disseminate the results of the work of these international events

Olio Officina

Olive Oil stocked in Italy. Update of 30 September 2021

The Report is drawn up by the ICQRF on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers, which at 30 Sptember 2021 are almost 23,000. Olive oils: 210,595 tons in stocks. Compared to 31 July 2021 an 20.6% decrease was recorded (265,391 tons). Stocks are 19.1% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

Olive Oil stocked in Italy. Update of 31 July 2021

The Report is drawn up by the ICQRF on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (RTO), which at 31 July 2021 are almost 23,000. Olive oils: 265,391 tons in stocks. Compared to 30 June 2021 an 9.8% decrease was recorded (294,357 tons). Stocks are 10.8% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina