
60 years of extra-virgin. Oil of the peoples

The new issue of OOF International Magazine. Only for you, here is a preview of the table of contents including all articles

Olio Officina

60 years of extra-virgin. Oil of the peoples


Artists for oil, by Barbara Lupo

Editorial. What’s changing, by Luigi Caricato

In the living heart of words See under elaiopolio, oleoteca, oliandolo, oliera, by Daniela Marcheschi

Anniversaries. 60 years of extra-virgin

The oil of the people millenials talk about, by Antonio Mele

A Secret Veneration of Olive Oil, by Luigi Caticato

Interviewwith the Executive Director of the International Olive Council Abdellatif Ghedira. The olive-oil market is demanding, and competition is fierce, by Luigi Caricato

Real tasting is not as simple as it might seem If you want to learn the skill, you’ll have to attend lessons at ONAOO, by Luigi Carli

Taking olive oil to Japan, by Guido Novaro

Ten years of Olio Officina.

Happy birthday to Olio Officina project, by Alfonso Pascale

The testimony. Olive oil, a passion that has be come a culture, by Roasalia Cavaliere

  1. Nature and artefact

Winners Le Forme dell’Olio. The olive oil packaging

and visual design contest

Winners Le Forme dell’Aceto. The vinegar packaging and visual design contest

At pairing school. A vinegard for every dish

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