Bringing something to our mouth and trying to understand its balance of flavours is a complex experience that goes far beyond the simple gesture of eating

Rosalia Cavalieri

Bringing something to our mouth and trying to understand its balance of flavours is a complex experience that goes far beyond the simple gesture of eating. All animals eat and drink to quench their hunger and thirst, but only Man has transformed a physiological need into a cultural and intellectual experience, even an aesthetic and sinaesthetic one. All our senses are involved in the processes of tasting and savouring, especially the nose: the way we perceive the flavours, recognizing and judging them, contributes to characterizing our ‘humanity’, our being cognitive, convivial and speaking creatures.

Rosalia Cavalieri – language philosopher: an excerpt of the speech she gave at the 2013 Olio Officina Festival, focusing on the multi-sensoriality of tasting

Rosalia Cavalieri