
Summer 2018

Porto Cesareo, Salento, Puglia, Italy

Olio Officina

Made in Val di Mazara

What exactly does "certified" mean? In Italy, the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) certification ensures your bottle of olive oil was 100% grown, produced, and bottled in a very specific region. For Bono, this is Val di Mazara, the bright green region highlighted on the collar of our bottle

Olio Officina

The art of healthy eating

The fruit of tradition, care and a passion for quality. Our story starts here, in Puglia. The beating heart of the Mediterranean Sea. This is the birthplace of our oil-making art, an art that has always considered olives as a living body. Video Spot Corporate by Masseria di Sant’Eramo

Olio Officina

All senses for oil

This is a preview for our readers of the third, winther issue, of OOF International Magazine, a quarterly magazine printed in both English and Italian. The cover catchphrase reads: "All senses for oil. Panel test. History of a method". Have you subscribed yet?

Olio Officina

“I want to live”

This is what the olive tree at the centre of the scene seems to scream, with all its strength and lymph. It tries to resist to bacterium Xylella fastidiosa devastating attack, whereas the other trees appear to have been defeated. Hope springs eternal

Olio Officina

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Oil painting

Concetta Russo’s work is one of the works on display at “Olio d’Artista”, the art exhibition curated by Francesco Sannicandro that can be visited during the sixth Olio Officina Festival, from February 2 to 4, 2017, in Milan #oof2017

Olio Officina