

Magazzini del Cotone

14a Edition

27 February - 01 March 2025


Olive oil stock. Update of 31 October 2023

The Report is drawn up by the ICQRF on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (RTO), which at 31 October 2023 are 22,410. Olive oils: 142,181 tons in stocks. Compared to 30 September 2023 a 7.7% decrease was recorded (153,970 tons). Stocks are 34.3% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year.

Olio Officina

Olive oil stock. Update of 30 September 2023

The Report is drawn up by the ICQRF on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (RTO), which at 30 September 2023 are 21,875. Olive oils: 153,970 tons in stocks. Compared to 31 July 2023 a 23.6% decrease was recorded (201,485 tons). Stocks are 28.5% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year.

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked. Update of 30 June 2023

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (Rto), which at 30 June 2023 are 21,796. Olive oils: 233,044 tons in stocks. Compared to 31 May 2023 a 8.7% decrease was recorded (255,181 tons). Stocks are 19.1% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked. Update of 31 May 2023

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (Rto), which at 31 May 2023 are 22,110. Olive oils: 255,181 tons in stocks. Compared to 30 April 2023 an 8.2% decrease was recorded (277,936 tons). Stocks are 18.7% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked. Update of 30 April 2023

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (Rto), which at 30 April 2023 are 22,092. Olive oils: 277,936 tons in stocks. Compared to 31 March 2023 a 7.1% decrease was recorded (299,179 tons). Stocks are 14.6% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina


Olive oil stocked. Update of 31 march 2023

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (Rto), which at 31 March 2023 are 22,071. Olive oils: 299,179 tons in stock. Compared to 28 February 2023 a 4.5% decrease was recorded (313,263 tons). Stocks are 11.7% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked. Update of 28 February 2023

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (Rto), which at 28 February 2023 are 22,085. Olive oils: 313,263 tons in stock. Compared to 31 January 2023 a 0.7% decrease was recorded (315,445 tons). Stocks are 13.7% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina


The history of ziri

The ziri used to be of great importance for preserving oil, and were later used for other purposes. Here is how they are valued in the oil country of Seggiano

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked. Update of 31 January 2023

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (Rto), which on 31 January 2023 are 22,073. Olive oils: 315,445 tons in stock. Compared to 31 December 2022 a 1.5% increase was recorded (310,751 tons). Stocks are 10.8% lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina

Olive oil stocked in Italy. Update of 31 December 2022

The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (Rto), which at 31 December 2022 are 22,041. Olive oils: 310,751 tons in stocks. Compared to 30 November 2022 a 15.5% increase was recorded (269,012 tons). Stocks are 3.9% higher than the stocks recorded the same period of last year

Olio Officina


  • Grecia
  • Tunisia
  • Spagna
  • Marocco


  • Andria
  • Bitonto


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At what point is the Milan International Olive Oil Award

In this short video you can watch the work in progress of the first edition of the MIOOA 2020 competition. In Imperia, the Onaoo panel proceeds at the right time to examine the samples that are participating in the contest. The right time, yes, because we don’t have to run. Rushed to judgment is not properly indicated in such situations

Olio Officina