
Are you ready for the new oil?

An unusual portrait of Agostino Sommariva captures him tasting the oil of the olives he grows with so much passion in Albenga. In the picture, taken last January during the Olio Officina Festival, he is proudly raising a bottle of his Cru Maina.

The new Mickey Mouse

Are mice oil connoisseurs? Who knows, perhaps they are. No doubt that they have an excellent palate for oil, and food in general!


What type of oil has the future in store for us? Meanwhile, here is the card launching the fifth edition of the Olio Officina Festival

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Modern times

Do you remember the famous film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin, who also starred in it? Modern times is impressed in everyone’s mind. It was first screened in February 1936. During the 2014 Olio Officina Festival, cartoonist Valerio Marini paid his tribute to this film in his "Celluloil Heroes" exhibition.

Spoony cutlery

Look, but don’t blush. Valerio Marini’s inventiveness knows no limits

A house on an olive tree

Here it is, a lovely little tree house discovered in southern Italy. It is made of wood, and was built on an olive tree growing in the La Goccia d’Oro cooperative farm in Menfi, in the environs of Agrigento: The house however is for children only

You have been informed

This is how passers-by are informed about the presence of olive oil. This picture was taken in New York: a large sign on the shop window tells all the customers what oil is used at the venue

Hands tell a story

The picture of the ninety-four-year old grandmother of Antonio Lullo, a young producer from the environs of Salerno, and a member of the Opificio Citra network, expresses remarkably well the passing of time. Hands reveal our identity, our story, and the plastic olive harvest crate is the element of novelty, of rupture with the past

Diamond olive

A diamond is forever. Isn’t that how the old saying goes? An original cartoon by Valerio Marini