
The debut of the 2017 OOF

The programme of the 2017 Olio Officina Festival has finally been unveiled. We start off with the schedule of the opening day, i.e. Thursday, February 2. There is a surprise in store, but we will only reveal it next January

Carlotta Baltini Roversi

The debut of the 2017 OOF

Throughout the years, this festival has become an important appointment, only that now it no longer takes place during the third week of January, but starts later, on the first Thursday of February.

There is a surprise in store for you on the opening day, but let us say no more. A surprise should remain such. So, be ready.

Meanwhile, we would like to remind you that as usual, on the opening day admission is free. Priority will be given however to those who have booked a ticket for the following two days, Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th of February.

The ticket costs 15 euro, but once in, you can stay all day. There are many meetings on the programme, things to see, oil tasting sessions, shows, debates, art exhibitions, even poetry readings.

The festival is fast approaching, so it is time to illustrate the programme for the opening day. On this first day, all the scheduled activities will take place in one hall, but on Friday and Saturday, all six halls of the Olio Officina Festival will be open to the public, as well as the cloister.
We are looking forward to meeting you.

PROGRAMME of the 2017 OOF
Energy! Oil in motion




Energy! Oil in motion 
Opening session: greetings to the public

Luigi Caricato presents the sixth Olio Officina Festival and the Olio Officina Almanac


Food in literature

Gaetano Cappelli and Luigi Caricato

Presentation of Gaetano Cappelli’s latest novel: Una medium, due bovary e il mistero di Bocca di Lupo (Marsilio, 2016). 
The author speaks with Luigi Caricato, discussing his literary works, from his first novel, Parenti lontani (“Distant relatives”), devoted to a family of oil-makers, to all the other books inspired by food.


Olio Officina – Oil Culture award

Award ceremony. The names of the winners will soon be revealed.


Art now being served
Art exhibitions at the 2017Olio Officina Festival

Guests: Ornella Piluso, Art to eat (Purezza olive oil), Francesco Sannicandro (Olio d’Artista), Valerio Marini (UFO, United Forces of Oil), Maria Novaro (Ode to the olive tree by Giovanni Pascoli)


What is said about love
Antonio Pascale and Riccardo Sinigallia

How many hours do we spend talking about love? Love stories that are just budding, or that suddenly, inexplicably end, fairy tale stories, where everybody should live happily ever after, but instead… to shed light on all this torment, passion and bliss, so as to ease our pain or multiply our joy, a writer and a musician will analyse the difficult, yet marvellous facets of our feelings using a unique blend of words, images, music and art. Because despite the overpowering feelings it generates, love is often something that escapes our understanding.

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