
Latest news on vitiviniculture world market

Olio Officina

SOURCE: OIV – During the 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine in Mendoza, on 10th of November, the OIV Director General, Jean-Marie Aurand presented a global overview of the vitinivinicultural sector and the latest release of the OIV’s Focus.

The world’s total vineyard surface area (7519 mha) is decreasing, mainly due to the reduction of European vineyards. This reduction has been partially offset by the increase in the planted surface areas in the rest of the world. In China and South America, the total area under vines has continued to increase: these areas are the main vineyard growth centers in the world.

751 Mql is the world production of grapes (grapes intended for all use). An increased trend in grape production (+17%/2000), despite decrease in area under vines: this can be explained in part by an increase in yields, the particularly favorable climate conditions in some countries and the continued improvements in viticultural techniques. China with 115 Mql produces the 15% of the world grapes production, followed by Italy (79 Mql)

With a reduction of 6% compared with the previous year, a 2014 world wine production (excluding juice and musts) of 271 Mhl. The year has been marked by significant climatic hazards, which are at the origin of these developments, particularly in Europe. Despite a decreasing trend, Europe remains the first producer of wine. France is the biggest producer (46.2 Mhl), ahead of Italy, which saw a poor harvest (44.4 Mhl), Spain has returned to an average level of production (37 Mhl) after a record year in 2013. On the other hand, the production in the southern hemisphere and in the United States continue to increase: Argentina 15,2 Mhl (1 %/2013); New Zealand a new record with 3,2 Mhl (29 %/2013), South Africa 11,Mhl (4 %/2013), and the United States register a high level of production (22,5 Mhl).

The data available show a consolidation of the global wine consumption in 2014 (estimated at around 243 Mhl). The data confirms that the wine consumption growth is no longer driven by traditional wine producing and consuming countries, but by the emergence and development of new consumption poles. The 2000-2013 period has been characterized by a transfer of the wine consumption: today about 39% of the wine is consumed outside European countries, compared to 31% in 2000.

The share of wine production that is traded internationally has nearly doubled: in 2000, 25% of the wine consumed in the world was imported; in 2013 this share reached more than the 40%. In 2013 the trade in wine decreased by 2.2% in volume, representing 98 million of hl, even though the growing prices allowed an increase in total revenues of 1.5% up to 25.7 billion Euros.

As to sparkling wine market, 17.6 millions of hl of sparkling wine was produced in 2013 – a figure that corresponds to 7% of world wine production. World consumption evaluated at 15.4 millions of hl, in the last ten years a 30% rise. World trade has steadily increased too, to reach 8.7 million of hl in 2013, with a value of 4.3 billion of euros. The share of sparkling wine exports accounts for nearly 9% of the volume of wine exports and 18% of their value.

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