If made well, oil is good regardless of its origin
Her greatest dream is that extra virgin olive oil will become popular all over the world. For Maria Flora Monini it is necessary to invest in advertising. Promoting not only the brand, but also the culture of a product.

Maria Flora Monini was born and grew up among the olive groves lining the hills of Spoleto, a small town in Umbria where she still lives. Since 1989 she has been at the head of the Communication and Image department of the family enterprise, supervising all aspects of promotion, planning and producing advertising campaigns, communicating with promotional agencies and the media, organizing and sponsoring various events and in general, taking care of all public relations. Since 1991 she has also been directing the company together with her brother Zefferino.
In 2002, after 14 years of alliance with Findim, a holding of the Fossati family, who own Star, the two siblings decides to purchase once again the shares (35% of the business) sold in 1988, and now the “family oil” is back in the hands of the Moninis.
The best traits of your personality. Generosity, loyalty, honesty, perseverance, creativeness.
The virtues that you constantly strive for. Justice.
The greatest limits, defects and incontrollable impulses of your character. I am a frank, obstinate and impulsive person, and I am incapable of being more diplomatic.
The vices that you cannot or will not renounce to. Alas, cigarettes…
A memory of your childhood. A ski race when I was three years old, on Mount Terminillo.
Why and when did you start working in the oil sector. I could say when I was a child: with a father always at work, the only way I had of being close to him was to go to his office… then, after completing my studies and doing a few jobs here and there, I decided to return to the field where I belonged. I have been working in this company for thirty-five years now.
Do you believe in your work? Is there still some degree of enthusiasm and passion driving you? I totally believe in my work. Passion fires me, and the enthusiasm of seeing the results always boosts me even more, giving me the same thrill I felt when I was younger.
The future of oil. The future lies in quality and niche products. It is important to invest in advertising, promoting not only the brand but also the culture of the product, to the benefit of the entire sector.
As regards extra virgin olive oil, what is more important, quality or origin? Quality. If made well, oil is good regardless of where it comes from.
If you believe in dreams, which is the one that you will always pursue with all your will and courage. As regards my field of expertise, my dream is that we can increase the knowledge and popularity of extra virgin olive oil.
One or more idols to whom you look up to, and are your personal points of reference. Coco Chanel and Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
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