Sommariva’s hundredth birthday
100 is a large number. One hundred are the years that have passed since Domenico Sommariva established in 1915 his famous olive farm and mill in the plain of Albenga. Quality and culture are the key elements recurring throughout its history, a century devoted to olive oil.
We are honoured to be part of this great celebration. Sommariva, a company established in 1915 by Domenico Sommariva in one of the best regions in Italy for olive cultivation, namely the plain of Albenga in Liguria, produces an exquisite extra virgin olive oil, but also Niçoise olives, pesto, anchovy cream and other delicacies. All these goods are made with the utmost care and attention, which have always been the hallmark of this company.
The mill is open to the public during the harvesting season, so that the visitors can see how oil is extracted from the olives. The Sommarivas have always paid great attention to the environment and their company was one of the first to be certified organic in 1972. More recently, the company has earned a certification from the Carbon Trust Standard for its efforts towards reducing gas and carbon emission into the atmosphere.
Sommariva produces healthy, gluten-free food, which meet all the needs and requirements of its customers. They have also set up a small museum in their headquarters, devoted to the “olive civilization”, which contains an interesting collection of relics. The museum often becomes the premises for exhibitions and conferences.
The Sommarivas will take part in the fourth Olio Officina Food Festival, with which – they claim – they share a common vision, not only regarding the need to protect the quality of typical, local Italian products, but also for their ideas on the culture of oil and how it should be presented to the general consumer.
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