The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, presided last Tuesday over the presentation of the Climate-Carbon Fund Projects in their call 2014 involved the launch of 42 new projects for gas reduction greenhouse in Spain. She stressed that “Climate Projects have shown, in the space of just three years, to be an effective instrument for achieving the reduction of CO2 emissions in our country. With over 100 projects approved in three sessions, we have laid the foundations for achieving emissions reductions, and promote the creation of jobs in the context of sustainable growth and low carbon”.
García Tejerina, who recalled that in 2020 Spain must reduce their emissions of CO2 in the so-called main sectors by 10% from 2005, emphasized that “with the launch of 42 new projects signed today, Spain will avoid the emission of nearly 1 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere “.
The selected proposals under call 2014 present a broad and balanced distribution and cover all main sources, distributed as follows: 15 projects in the residential, commercial, institutional sector; 7 in the agricultural sector, 6 in the waste sector, 5 in the transport sector, 3 in the industrial sector and 1 in the sector of fluorinated gases.
In 2012, the Governing Council of the Carbon Fund approved the call for pilot Climate Project. As a result of this call 37 contracts of sale of verified emission reductions were signed. In 2013, a second call for climate which resulted in the signing of 49 contracts for the purchase of verified emission reductions Project was launched.
With the development of this third edition 2014 Climate Project, confirms that the Fund is effective to achieve measurable reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases tool. Thus, the Climate Projects are proving to generate economic activity in Spain, encouraging job creation in sectors related to action on climate change. Currently, there are over 100 approved projects to reduce emissions.
Finally, García Tejerina announced that the Ministry plans for 2015, a budget for the Climate Project, which exceeds 15 million euros, which will quadruple the budget that has been allocated at the begininning of this initiative. This fourth edition of the Climate Projects will open on February 15.
Source: Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,
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