
Learn from nature rather than control it …

Participate in the debate about the future of food systems at the International Conference Designing a Resilient Future: Food, Technology, and Sustainable Development a step in understanding the present and planning the future. At Ipack-Ima 2015, May 20

Claudio Peri

Learn from nature rather than control it …

A model of the human genome as a functional network of interconnected specialized clusters was proposed by Fritjol Capra in his book “The Hidden Connections” (Anchor Books, New York, 2002) as a model of a common design of nature that we could imitate in human-made systems and technological processes.

Could this scheme become the inspiring model of a new organization of the agro-food system?
Producers-consumers Clusters directly linked in a Food Hub in a given area, with connections to hubs in other areas. Minimizing distance and time and encouraging collaborative communication, clusters would promote a lively internal dialogue between individual producers and consumers.
Should we move toward this type of agro-food systems? Is it a system that could create new business and profit opportunities? Can networking, communication and dialogue produce Vertical Chain Values? Who and what opposes this evolution?

Participate in the debate about the future of food systems at the International Conference
Designing a Resilient Future: Food, Technology, and Sustainable Development
a step in understanding the present and planning the future.
A lively Conference with four prestigious speakers from The Culinary Institute of America, The Google Company, UNIDO and Barilla S.p.A. at Ipack-Ima 2015, May 20, Sala Martini, Centro Congressi, 1st floor

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