
Notes of flowers, apple and artichoke

Italian oils. Made from Bosana and Semidana olives, Domenico and Pasquale Manca’s “San Giuliano” Sardinia PDO oil is one of the best examples of the extra virgin oils produced on this island

Maria Carla Squeo

Notes of flowers, apple and artichoke

Sardinia has an impressive array of olive varieties growing in its territory. The cultivar most worthy of mention is Bosana, followed by Semindana, Pizz’e Carroga, Tonda di Cagliari, Olianedda and Nera di Gonnos.

Among all the extra virgin olive oils produced by the famous Domenico Manca, an oil company in Alghero, we chose to sample the “San Giuliano” Sardinia PDO oil.

Domenico and his son Pasquale are two of the best-known oil producers in Italy, and are the driving force of the business.


Made from Bosana and Semidana olives, this extra virgin oil is characterised by a fruitiness of average intensity, floral notes with a distinct touch of grassiness. The oil is unclouded, golden yellow with a slight, greenish hue.

Tasting reveals its elegant, mellow nature, for this is an oil both fine and delicate, with a harmonious, well-dosed balance of bitterness and pungency. It has a vegetable flavour of artichoke and it leaves in the mouth a slight, pleasant piquant note, with a nuance of apple.

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