A spotlight on oil
An important series of events focusing on olive oils and organized by Olio Officina Globe will take place during Simei, the International Oenological and Bottling Equipment Exhibition held in Milan from November 3 to 6. Many are the themes of the eight workshops planned: from olive mill management to the economic potential of waste matter, from the problems pertaining to oil stocking and transportation, to corking, packaging and labelling, and relative problems and marketing potential, from oil sensory analysis to building and managing a constructive relationship with the retailers.

Nobody should miss this event, which takes place every second year in Milan. After half a century, SIMEI is now acknowledged as one of the most important shows of this sort worldwide. It certainly deserves a visit.
These are the workshops organized by Olio Officina Globe, and coordinated by oil-specialist Mr Luigi Caricato. Moreover, there will be an Olive Oil Tasting Bar, open to whoever wishes to sample some of the many oils produced this year.
Which developments for oil packaging are possible yet? Does it make sense to develop a specific segment of the market dedicated to oil as a gift item? Does a nice external look have to be limited only to label? How much is being done to make oil bottles and packaging more functional and not only attractive?
The key word is future. In a country where market is already mature, may other innovations lead oil producers to further invest in technology? What is possible to offer oil millers to make them more competitive in the markets and at the same time, to enhance the quality of oils as to make it a long-lasting quality?
The weakest link of oil mills are preservation and transport of oil. It is not always possible to act directly: more and more people are involved and not all of them are adequately prepared to manage the quality of oils after their production in the distribution and sales networks. What is possible to do not to waste the quality patrimony on which much has been invested?
Waste product to be managed or little treasure to obtain high profits? Oil waste and processing residues imply several problems to be faced in a very accurate way, without incurring sanctions and thus avoiding high costs for disposal. Is it also possible to earn money from olive-processing residues?
This is the most difficult issue to face. The large quantity of regulations causes problems to the companies in the management of a more and more complicated labelling, with the risk of severe sanctions. How is it possible to face these problems? How can oils be labelled according to the current regulations, while making their label also a means for better informing, with the support of effective marketing actions?
Attention and debate are focused on the issue of caps that have to prevent the refilling of bottles in compliance with the current regulations for catering. But how is the situation of oil caps in general? Is there the same innovation energy as the one experienced in the wine-making sector over time? Is it possible to invent a new oil cap which can guarantee the protection of quality, the impossibility of refilling and, at the same time, a perfect pouring of oil?
What can be done to improve the offering of oils proposed on the retail outlets without spoiling the quality of raw material? In all these years the producing and packaging companies have not considered the importance of a close collaboration with the retail network. There are positive examples that have been developed, but they are only few cases and not really taken into due consideration. Nevertheless, the quality of a product is not limited to the sales of oil, but it is to be accompanied to the shelf and if possible, to the tables of consumers. Instructions for use are necessary.
It is a hot, topical issue. It is a hot topic because it is common to encounter difficulties in managing the results obtained by panel tests which are sometimes contradictory. The problem arises when the assessment of a panel can jeopardize the business of a company. It is possible to open a debate on the role of tasting panels. The oil world feels the need to work on the different kinds of panels, in order to consider the value of all of them in the same way, without creating differentiations among official, professional and company panels, also with the aim of achieving a uniform approach to the method.
Tue 3rd November 2015, 10:30 – 13:00 Oil Mills
Tue 3rd November 2015, 14:30 – 17:30 Wastes
Wed 4th November 2015, 10:30 – 13:00 Conservation and Transport
Wed 4th November 2015, 14:30 – 17:30 Corks
Thur 5th November 2015, 10:30 – 13:00 Packaging
Thur 5th November 2015, 14:30 – 17:30 Labelling
Fry 6th November 2015, 10:30 – 13:00 Sensory Analysis
Fry 6th November 2015, 14:30 – 17:30 Shelves
Photo by Olio Officina
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