Simei 2015: a full programme of initiatives: conferences, seminars and workshops
Milan, 3-6 November 2015. Every day themed focuses on vineyard, wine, beer and oil. Simei proposes itself more and more as a platform of cross-cutting contents which accompanies and integrates the exhibition of the best technology in the sector

Unione Italiana Vini has organised a particularly wide schedule of events for the next edition of SIMEI.
Besides the two International Conferences on the issues of sustainability and of sensory analysis, which will take place on the first and on the second day, a support programme is scheduled including conferences, seminars and workshops on different important topics. Of course, there will be focuses on wine and vineyard, this year accompanied by those on oil and beer.
In the sessions of the Workshop Innovation within Enovitis Business, dedicated to the vineyard, the following subjects will be discussed: precision farming, plantation management, health condition, soil and water fertility, vineyard planting, grape harvest, landscape, financial management, as well as organic productions that are a topic of growing interest.
Wine will be the object of meetings, each of them dealing with a specific theme. Besides the Tergeo Convention, taking place on the first day, in the following days other topics will be discussed, among which the UIV Ring Test – evaluation tests of inter-laboratory comparison – Technological Innovations in the end-of-line of wine production, Biotechnologies, Automation and Components, Energy Management as cost-saving element.
Thanks to the collaboration with the oil-expert Luigi Caricato and his work group “Olio Officina”, an in-depth programme has been composed on the oil theme. It will examine the importance of packaging, the technological improvement of olive-presses, possible solutions for the preservation and transport of products, oil-waste management, as well as the issues of labelling, of caps, of positioning in the large-scale retail channel and the crucial factor of sensory analysis.
Exactly this theme will be the leitmotiv of the two International Conferences and will be also discussed in the seminars and workshops focused on beer, in co-operation with Birra Nostra. Besides in-depth discussions on the sector, on the problems and on the areas of possible development, there will be the opportunity to take part in the guided sessions of sensory analysis and tasting at the Sensory Bars, for the first time hosting craft beer in addition to wine and oil.
Every day, these topics – wine, vineyard, oil, beer – will be dealt with, discussed, examined from different points of view, thanks to the contribution of some among the most important experts in the field.
SIMEI proposes itself more and more as a platform of cross-cutting contents which accompanies and integrates the exhibition of the best technology in the sector.
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