
High quality at the 2017 OOF

Select extra virgin olive oils abolish the conventional geographical borders and trace new ones. Two consortiums, Italian and Spanish, will be present at the sixth Olio Officina Festival in Milan. Special guests on February 3 are two leading protagonists of the premium olive oil supply chain: Ceq and QV Extra

Olio Officina

High quality at the 2017 OOF

It is an event of paramount importance, featuring two renowned, prestigious organizations representing the Italian and Spanish worlds of oil. We recommend it, because the meeting focuses on a crucial issue, namely the concept and importance of high quality. Not quality as defined by law, hence a product meeting certain requirements, but something more stringent, an oil that should meet higher standards, chosen on a voluntary basis by the producers, with the aim of going beyond the concept of quality as we know it. A real challenge, a common goal shared by two consortiums who for this reason have chosen to unite their efforts in a constructive dialogue instead of competing against each other.

The principles followed by Ceq and QV Extra International are very clear and straightforward: high quality extra virgin oils abolish the conventional geographical borders and trace new ones.

The geographical borders that currently divide producers of prime extra virgin oils are becoming less and less important. The common, colossal challenge of revolutionizing the perceived image of the product knocks down every boundary and draws the producers closer to each other.

The challenge in store for superior extra virgin olive oil producers is both internal and external. On one hand, the entire compartment must stand united in its quest to conquer new market segments, and on the other it has to sort things out, including the denomination of a variety of products.

Consumers of the new generation are curious: willing to try new products, they are used to using the web for retrieving information; they are hungry for passion and emotions, and constantly on the lookout for novelties. However, it is necessary to catch their attention before convincing them of the value of prime extra virgin olive oils, and in order to do so, we should revise and renew the language we employ.

An increasingly large number of olive farmers intend to accept this challenge, preferring cooperation to competition.


Select extra virgin olive oils abolish the conventional geographical borders and trace new ones.

Elia Fiorillo, president of Ceq, the Consortium for prime extra virgin olive oils

La calidad ante todo. Una decisión obligatoria para crear valor. La experiencia de un grupo de productores españoles que escogen de comprometerse con una estrategia común.

(Quality above all. A necessary choice to create value. The experience of a group of Spanish producers who have opted for a common strategy.)

Soledad Serrano, president of QV Extra International

An alliance in the name of quality, to overturn the old, obsolete archetypes of competition between two countries.

Mauro Meloni, director of Ceq, the Consortium for prime extra virgin olive oils

The representatives of Ceq and QV Extra International will also attend other meetings at the sixth Olio Officina Festival, which will be held in Milan, in the historical Palazzo delle Stelline, from February 2 to 4.

Photo by Giorgio Sorcinelli

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