A delightful Tunisian oil
Imperialis is the oil that stole the limelight at the 2017 Le Forme dell'Olio Award. Its producers are the Bichiou family from Hammamet, who sell it under the Tanit Mediterraneum brand. We were pleasantly surprised by its taste. An extra virgin olive oil both powerful and elegant, made from Chemlali and Chetoui olives

Whoever spent some time in Tunisia, and Hammamet in particular, will have certainly taken the opportunity to enjoy its local cuisine. Carrot salad is a must for whoever likes hot, spicy appetizers, and everybody deserves to savour at least once the rich fish soup known as corba el hout.
Well, among the many gourmand Tunisian oils that I had the pleasure of tasting, Imperialis of the Tanit Mediterraneum range, struck me for its great versatility. It can be used on any dish, not only Tunisian. I would advise you to try it on some Italian specialities, because it almost seems tailor-made for our regional cuisines. If the Imperialis oil were launched on the Italian retail market, it would certainly be extremely popular even among the pickiest consumers. This is our verdict upon sampling it.
Green with golden hues, unclouded. Its strong, fresh scent is already clearly discernible while pouring it into the tasting glass. The nose perceives grassy, vegetable notes with hints of artichoke and meadow grasses. The intensity of its fruitiness is not overbearing.
The palate detects a clear, perfect balance of bitterness and pungency. The texture of the oil in the mouth is extremely pleasant, with notes of meadow grasses and vegetables, including wild chicory.
Finally there is a pleasant return of piquancy, accompanied by a delicate note of green almond.
It is a versatile oil, perfect both as a dressing and for cooking. It is particularly suited with salads and fish, but goes surprisingly well with meats and cheeses.
Imperialis, Tanit Mediterraneum, Hammamet, Tunisia, is a blend of oils made from Chemlali and Chetoui olives.
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