Glass Pack 2017
Advertorial. A fair entirely dedicated to the personalisation of glass packaging. The first European Fair entirely dedicated to glass containers for foods, beverages and liquors will be held at the Fiera (Fairground) in Pordenone on 8th June

GLASS PACK 2017,, in its first edition, is an exhibition-fair sponsored by Assovetro, Coreve and Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, confined to companies producing and distributing glass containers for foods, beverages and liquors, and all aspects of glass packaging: from design to decoration, from production of models to closures, from labels to packaging in cardboard, wood, etc
GLASS PACK 2017 is organised by Smartenergy Srl, a leading international service company with 30 years’ experience in the communication and promotion of flat and hollow glass, and this is the first event exclusively dedicated to suppliers and users of glass containers who add value to their products by using personalised packaging.
The event provides opportunities for displaying products and includes a rich program of meetings and seminars.
GLASS PACK 2017 is a new unique opportunity to develop your business by making contacts and networking. For the first time, glass packaging business professionals will be able to meet their customers and suppliers at an exclusively dedicated event.
The Fair provides an exhibition area in which glassworks, distributors and suppliers of accessories, specialised equipment and services, designers and studios, will meet to present their innovations and latest solutions.
Among the companies who have already confirmed their participation are: Alfred Kirsten OHG, Arte Laguna, Assovetro (partner and seminar), Cerve, Coreve (partner and seminar), Covim, Etichettificio Antoniano, Eurocaps By Officina Meccanica Sartori, FP Sleeve – Axles Trade, Imas Grafica, Konig Group, Labelspoint, Labrenta, Les Verres, Luigi Bormioli (seminar), Marposs Italia, Mida, Notarianni, O-I Owens Illinois, Plasmatreat, Pixartprinting, Seri Serigrafia, Sincera Sistemi, Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro (partner e seminar), Steklarna Hrastnik, Sughermele – Sugherificio Bussolengo, Tecnosens and their partners Ilis – Nirox – Sensor Instruments – Stil, Valery Glass, Valbona (testimonial seminar), Verallia (seminar), Vetro Emba- Svet Stekla, Vetropack (seminar), Vetroelite, Vinolok, Wine & Industrial Packaging (HERE)
Seminar topics will be many and varied and will cover the full spectrum of glass packaging (HERE).
Leaders in their fields will alternate their presentations on themes ranging from the analysis of glass container industrial production and market to the circular economy related to it – from the opportunities and criticalities linked to the personalisation of glass packaging, to design for the food industry; from the criticalities and innovative solutions in packaging wine to problems related to closures and preservation, all leading to a deeper understanding of the relationship between container and content.
The first session, moderated by Tommy Meduri (University Ca’ Foscari, Venice), will examine more detailed themes such as an analysis of the European glass packaging market in a presentation by Dr. Michael Delle Selve (Senior Communication Manager at FEVE, European Association of Glass Packaging) dealing with the specific experiences of Vetropack and O-I Owens Illinois.
Frank Grisan (President COREVE), will focus on the sustainability of glass containers, while Dr. Federico Masella (Marketing Manager- Valbona) and Dr. Giampietro Povolo (Operations Director – Cielo & Terra), will investigate the relationship of the transparency of the glass food container and its content.
The presentations of Labrenta, Pixartprinting, Art Laguna and Cerve will deal with the opportunities and the criticalities of the personalised glass container.
Dr. Federico Montali (Spirits Division Manager – Bormioli Luigi), will introduce the theme of glass packaging design, from an optical visibility and functionality viewpoint, while Dr. Nicholas Favaro (Production manager – Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro), will examine the advantages of glass packaging in the preservation of foods.
Finally, Dr. Alessia Cappellin (Development Manager – Verallia), will present a case history focused on innovation, the ethical dimension and ergonomics for the final consumer as applied to the field of craft beer.
To conclude the intense activities, a workshop will be held by Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, on the criticalities and the innovative solutions of the glass container in the field of wines & spirits.
In particular, Dr. Simone Tiozzo will talk about the production of the glass container in Italy, Dr. Martitazione Sperimentale del Vetrona Scarpa will examine the main regulations and control methodologies for food contact and REACH, while Dr. Duccio Gallichi Nottiani will present a new approach to line optimisation and reducing superficial damage on packaging lines.
GLASS PACK 2017 is a new exclusive event, dedicated to companies who usually participate in trade fairs of a general character in parallel – but never specific – fields and has been set up to provide a specific space, a place to present and compare innovations and solutions. The world of glass packaging is growing from year to year, and the demand for personalised products is evoluting and growing continuously.
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