
Subscribe or gift a subscription to OFF International Magazine

Olio Officina

Subscribe or gift a subscription to OFF International Magazine


Far from being a common magazine, OOF International Magazine is a bilingual quarterly paper publication. Its articles can be read in both Italian and English and its design is innovative and extremely uncommon in the relevant sector.
Four issues are published every year: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Each issue is a thematic monograph dealing with olive oil and other seasonings from an alternative and unprecedented angle, clearly aimed at going beyond common practice, because oil is not only food, it is first and foremost an authentic cultural marker.

Subscribe or gift a subscription to OFF International Magazine

Subscription to four issues of OOF INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE in Italy costs 48.00 Euros, inclusive of shipping

Subscription to four issues of OOF INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE in other countries costs 60.00 Euros, inclusive of shipping.

Payment can be made via PayPal through

Or via bank transfer to:

Olio Officina Srl – Società unipersonale
Via Francesco Brioschi, 86 – 20141 Milan – Italy
Bank name: Intesa San Paolo S.p.a.
Milan branch – via Meda 41 – 20141 Milan – Italy
Account no. 1000/873 in the name of Olio Officina Srl
IBAN IT63S0306909521100000000873

For further information please write to:

Additional Information

Format: 210 x 275 mm
Pages: 112 + 4 cover pages
Cover price: 12 Euros

Distribution: direct and in bookstores
Director: Luigi Caricato
Direction and editorial office: via Giovanni Rasori, 9 – 20145 Milan, Italy

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