
Opening of the IOC international course for panel leaders

Olio Officina

Opening of the IOC international course for panel leaders

Deputy Executive Director Mustafa Sepetçi and Head of the Olive Growing, Olive Oil Technology and Environment Unit Abdelkrim Adi unveiled the new international course for leaders of virgin olive oil sensory analysis panels at IOC headquarters in Madrid.

The work was presented by Head of the Technical Cooperation and Training Department Catarina Bairrao Balula (all three pictured here alongside Juan Ramón Izquierdo, the course director). The programme was drawn up by technicians experienced in leading virgin olive oil tasting panels.

According to IOC method COI/T.20/Doc. nº 15/Rev. 8 for the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oil, the leader of the group must be duly trained and have an in-depth knowledge of the types of oils that will be tested as part of their work. Panel leaders must be trained in the tools used in sensory analysis and the specific skills and means to prepare, organise and realise trials. Some 32 candidates from 16 countries took part in the panel leader course.

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