Mills of Italy
During the climax of olives harvesting there are many gathering opportunities in mills, even though these places can actually be used every day of the year, with several original initiatives

In Verona, Frantoio Salvagno hosts school pupils, teaching them to become familiar with olive oil, also through a booked titled Impara giocando con Nonno Gioacchino (literally translated, ‘Learn through play with Grandpa Gioacchino’). There are two mills – a traditional one, with millstones and presses, and a modern one – giving a simultaneous overview of the lessons of the past and of a present that is projected towards the future. Several paintings portraying the family, notarial acts and institutional announcements of other eras hang on the walls of rooms reserved to gatherings, which proves that olive growing in the Italian region of Veneto is not at all recent business, but rather has a well-established history.
In Cavaion Veronese, Veneto, Fratelli Turri mill stands out for its well-appreciated museum in the memory of peasants, but also for the numerous sporting, running and cycling events it has promoted for years in the area, while supporting, resolutely, the value of oil as an important ingredient in a healthy and balanced diet, designed for athletes. All this takes place in an extremely beautiful frame, with a field collection of 27 different cultivars of Italian olive trees, used as an educational tool to convey the importance of rich biodiversity.
In the Italian region of Liguria, on Savona coastline, in any months of the year, Agostino Sommariva welcomes his admirers in the Civiltà dell’Olivo museum-mill, located within Albenga medieval walls, which on their turn blend on other Roman surrounding walls. Throughout the year, art exhibitions, cultural happenings, book presentations are held. In addition, when it comes to books, the Sommariva mill can boast being quoted in several essays and novels, which proves that his mill does not only press olives, but also ideas.
Eventually, in Bisceglie, in the Italian region of Apulia, this Di Molfetta family has stood out when they presented the “OlìOlà” format, complementing the mill, an experience supporting oil production and the relevant shop. It has been designed exclusively to disseminate the culture of correctly using extra virgin olive oil, starting from simple bruschetta bread, interpreted in many different ways and with a multifaceted range of local ingredients. This project aims at enhancing mills, but also at attracting youngsters through its trendy initiatives.
Photo by Olio Officina
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