
How to communicate the qualities

New languages are needed to communicate sensorial and nutritional values of high-quality extra virgin olive oil, now a universal trend spreading from Italy is rippling throughout the world. This is what emerged in the round table organized by CEQ at Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan in the frame of the Olio Officina Festival

Olio Officina

How to communicate the qualities

We know that communicating EVO is not straightforward, however, effective communications will become increasingly important in the coming years, including developing high impact communication forms for EVO to persuade consumers of its value, with new languages, forms of messages and technical information, in order to be more effective, convincing and emotional than in the past.

The average quality of olive oils has increased enormously, there are many more extra virgin olive oils than in the past; and among extra virgin olive oils, more products are distinguished by their high nutritional properties and complex and intriguing sensory profiles.

Accepting to produce less and better to achieve excellence is the new trend that CEQ – Italian Consortium of Guarantee of the extra virgin quality – has been pioneering for the last 15 years ago. The international association QvExtra! has also followed this path, along with partners in Spain, Portugal, Tunisia and with which CEQ shares quality parameters and a control system.

New languages ​​are needed to communicate sensorial and nutritional values of high-quality extra virgin olive oil, now a universal trend spreading from Italy is rippling throughout the world.

This is what emerged in the round table organized by CEQ at Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan in the frame of the Olio Officina Festival, dedicated to promotion, raising awareness and advertising, in the presence of a professional audience, institutional representatives as well as the broader public.

Maria Grazia Minisci, President Ceq, together with Soledad Serrano President QvExtra, presented the chemical-physical and sensorial quality standards and highlighted the common commitment of the two Consortia to obtaining an official recognition of high quality, taking advantage of the presence of Jaime Lillo, Deputy Executive Director and Abdelkrim Adí, Head of Technical and Environmental Unit of the International olive oil council (IOC).

Mariana Matos, general director of Casa do Azeite, underscored the enormous commitment of the Portuguese producers, who in recent years have been investing in new orchards and technologies in search of greater efficiency and quality, resulting in a significant change in the country’s role in the global production geography.

Lisa Paglietti, economist FAO, presented the cooperation programs that her organization has been implementing for several years in Tunisia and Marocco, underlining the growing enthusiasm registered among private sector operators and that has led young entrepreneurs to obtain international quality awards for their extra virgin olive oil. A real phenomenon that Fao will continue to support in the coming years in collaboration with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development.

Claudio Truzzi, Metro Italia quality manager, reiterated his group’s intention to increasingly collaborate closely with Ceq in the quality control and internal training and to enrich its high-end offers.

Francesco Tabano – President of Federolio – complimenting the initiative, underlined the communication potential inherent to the common quality label of the two Consortiums, regardless of the official recognition, encouraging their commitment to promote it and the full support of its organization.

Paolo Mariani, President of FOOI (filiera olivicola olearia italiana), presented the recent engagement of its Consortium in the supply chain to deepen the aspects that make up the quality of the product through a scientific committee to facilitate communication with the final consumer.

In terms of communication, Maria Grazia Minisci and Soledad Serrano concluded it would be appropriate to simplify the language to make it more comprehensible and immediate to the consumer, as opposed to that authorized by health claims, which appear unfortunately not usable because too scientific.

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