IOC’s advanced course of table olives in Egypt
From 23 to 25 April 2019 the International Olive Council organised an advanced course on production techniques and quality control of table olives in Egypt with the wonderful support of the Egyptian Government and of the Egyptian Olive Council

The course was attended by 32 people from 11 different countries: Algeria, Croatia, Egypt, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Tunisia and Turkey, as well as experts from Spain, Italy and Greece. The programme covered production techniques and quality control in table olive production.
The optimum characteristics of the raw material, harvesting and transportation were discussed, as well as the various styles of table olive production: green olives treated Spanish style; green olives Castelvetrano/Picholino style; olives turning colour through the natural method; naturally black Greek olives; naturally black olives dehydrated by dry salt; and black olives darkened by oxidation.
The critical control points were also covered and a description of the organoleptic characteristics of table olives took place where participants discussed their importance for quality control.
On the last day of the course, a technical visit took place where participants visited olive orchards and a table olives elaboration unit.
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