Olive Health Information System
The project aims to provide users with a regularly updated database, giving them access to the latest research, including technical documents as well as more accessible content written in simple language

The Executive Secretariat has been working with the Department of Preventative Medicine and Public Health at the University of Navarra alongside a number of researchers withover ten years’ experience.
Together, they have created a portal that collects scientific information on the health benefits of olive oil and olive products. The project, called the Olive Health Information System, or OHIS, aims to provide users with a regularly updated database, giving them access to the latest research, including technical documents as well as more accessible content written in simple language.
Experts and scientists from the University will also publish scientific reviews and reports to summarise key research from all over the world, including infographics to illustrate the findings visually. The results will be included in the Observatory that the IOC is setting up to provide members and users with more up-to-date information on current issues. To reach the portal OHIS please click the link below.
The Olive Health Information System is a web-based project aimed to provide a permanently updated repository of all scientific reportsrelated to the health effects of olives, olive oil and other olive products.
The OHIS will serve as a means to keep a permanent service for the intereset of public health and nutrition epidemiology. In a friendly way for the general public OHIS will provide free accessible content related to mediterranean diet and health based in the most relevant scientific evidence.
The objective is dual: to connect researchers in order to spread technical scientific data among academics working in the field; to transfer this information the general public in order to disseminate scientific information on the benefits of mediterranean diet and olive oil.
The OHIS shall work in an interactive way in order to effectively search publications and data. These systems allow a high visibility of health-related nutritional issues or relevant public health topics.
Photo by Olio Officina
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