
Would you like to be part of the Guide to the world’s finest olive oils?

Register now and join the MIOOA – Milan International Olive Oil Award, international quality EVOO competition. Deadline for delivery of olive oils: 31 July 2020

Olio Officina

Would you like to be part of the Guide to the world’s finest olive oils?

The selection of the oils that will be part of the Guide to the world’s finest olive oils , in a bilingual English/Italian edition, takes place by participating in the MIOOA (Milan International Olive Oil Award) competition.

The oils will be blindly examined by a panel of expert professional tasters from the oldest tasting school in the world, ONAOO from Imperia, Italy. Oils that will be admitted to the final will be assessed by a series of juries carefully selected on the basis of the groups they belong to: restaurateurs, chefs, food-service buyers, retail-chain buyers, consumers, journalists, wine stewards.

Deadline for delivery of your extra virgin olive oils which will participate to the competition was 30 June, but due to Coronavirus emergency, we have extended the deadline for sending your extra-virgin olive oils to Milan on 31 July (with the exception for Italy that can no longer join), while the award ceremony is scheduled for October 5 in Milan during the third edition of the Forum Olio & Ristorazione.

Follow us on Olio Officina Magazine if interested in the competition and olive oil news.


MIOOA 2020, Regulation, Application form, Product data sheet, Producer data sheet

MIOOA 2020, Reglamento, Formulario de inscripción, Ficha del producto, Ficha de la empresa

MIOOA 2020, Reglement, Bulletin d’inscription, Fiche produit, Fice signaletique de l’entreprise

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Photo by Olio Officina

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