Olive Oil stocked in Italy. Update of 31 January 2021
The Report is drawn up by the Icqrf on data recorded in the olive oil computerized registers (RTO), which at 31 January 2021 numbered 20,626. Olive oils: 348,707 tons in stocks. Compared to 31 December 2021 a 3.7% increase was recorded (336,404 tons). Stocks are slightly lower than the stocks recorded the same period of last year (- 4,0%)

The stock of olive oil in Italy on 31 January 2021 is 348,707 tons. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVO) represents the 71.5% of the stock. Among the EVO oil, the 59.6% (148,705 tons) is of Italian origin and the 35.2% is of EU origin. The extra-EU olive oil stocks and blend olive oils are marginal.
Olive oil stocked in Italy
Where is physically stocked the olive oil in Italy?
More than half of the national olive oil (53%) is stocked in the regions of southern Italy, with the significant contribution of the regions Puglia and Calabria (35.9% and 9.4%, respectively). At the provincial level, 16.8% of olive oil is stocked in the province of Bari, 10.3% in Perugia and 8.3% in Barletta-Andria-Trani province.
[1] The allocation of the Regions in the geographical areas follows the ISTAT scheme: North: Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, Liguria, Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli – Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna; Center: Tuscany, Umbria, Marche, Lazio; South: Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria; Islands: Sicily, Sardinia
At the regional level, the top 4 regions (Puglia, Tuscany, Umbria, and Calabria) hold the 69.5% of the total national stock.
At provincial level, it is clear a significant concentration of olive oil stocks: in the top 10 provinces is stocked the 66.4% of the Italian olive oil.
Which olive oil in the olive mill Italy?
Despite the large number of GIs present (48), out of a total of 24.7 million litres of GI olive oil in stock, the PDO Terra di Bari represent itself the 39.7% and the first 20 names 96.8% of the total GIs olive oil stocked in Italy.
Overall, the PDO / PGI olive oil in stock is equal to 6.5% of the total olive oil stocked in Italy and represents 9.1% of the stored EVO oil.
The total stock of “extra virgin olive oil” and “virgin olive oil” from organic farming amounts to 37,716 tons, almost exclusively EVO (99.8%), equal to 15.1% of the overall EVO stocked in Italy. The olive oil BIO is mainly stocked in Puglia, Sicily, Calabria and Tuscany.
Olive oil stocks 31 January 2021 vs. 31 January 2020
Compared to 31 January 2020, olive oil stocks are 4.0% lower. This data is mainly justified by the changes in EVO oil stock (-3.6%). On regard of EVO oil, it is important to remark the strong reduction of Italian EVO oil (-15.0%), partially counterbalanced by the increase of EU EVO oil (+20.1%).
The higher quantities of olive oil and refined olive oil (+25.4%) and the lower quantities of pomace olive oil (-8.2%), lampante olive oil (-6.2%) and virgin olive oil (-26.5%) stocks deserve to be mentioned.
Olive oil stocks 31 January 2021 vs. 31 December 2021
Compared to 31 December 2021, a 3.7% increase of olive oil stocks was recorded. This is mainly related to the increase of EVO oil (+3.4%) and, in particular, of EU EVO oil (+13.4%). A slight decrease of Italian EVO (-1.2%) oil deserve to be mentioned.
Anyway, the stocks increase is also linked to the trend of lampante olive oil (+21.9%). No significant differences were recorded for the other olive oil categories.
Photo by Olio Officina
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