Planet Olive

Lisbon hosts scientific meeting on integrated protection of olive crops

The 9th IOBC-WPRS Meeting on Integrated Protection of Olive Crops will be held in Lisbon, from 26thto 29thOctober 2021, at Instituto Superior de Agronomia from Lisbon University. International researchers choose Portugal – the 4th European olive oil producer and the 8th in the world - to present worldwide the latest scientific advances on integrated protection ofolive cropsagainst pests, diseases and weeds

Olio Officina

Lisbon hosts scientific meeting on integrated protection of olive crops

The main aim of this meeting is to set up a forum that will enable the exchange of information and strengthen the collaboration between people from academia, industry, farming and policy markers with the aim of finding effective and sustainable solutions to protect olive groves in a climate change scenario while meeting consumer demands.

Participants will present and discuss the latest scientific results, concerns, practical challenges and strategies to effectively manage the phytosanitary threats of the olive crops.

This meeting consists of scientific sessions, a technical visit to olive groves and mills, a workshop with specialists on Integrated Protection of olive crops,exhibits from leading IPM suppliersand social events. A range of interactive events and prizes will be also available to appeal to students and early-career scientists in this field.

The main topics covered at this event are:

Olive crop production under a changing scenario

  • Effect of climate change on olive pests and diseases
  • New technologies in monitoring of olive pests and diseases
  • Information technology, remote sensing and models for olive pest and disease management

Integrated Pest Management of olive pests and diseases

  • Chemical control of olive pests and diseases
  • Soil management and olive crop protection
  • Molecular approaches in olive crop IPM: from basic knowledge to practical applications
  • Perspectives in pest and disease management in organic olive production
  • Weed control in olive orchards
  • Area-wide management of pests and diseases in olive crops
  • Side effects of chemicals in pest and disease management
  • Cultural practices and sustainability in the olive crop environment

Biological and biotechnological control of olive pests and diseases

  • Natural enemies and biocontrol agents
  • Biopesticides, biofungicides and biostimulants
  • Semiochemicals in the olive crop protection
  • Olive ecosystem microbiome: challenges and opportunities
  • Biodiversity in olive orchards and conservation biological control strategies
  • Novel molecular tools in the olive crop protection: challenges and opportunities
  • Biocontrol efficacy in the olive crop protection: challenges and opportunities
  • Combined use of biological and chemical control in olive pest and disease management

The meeting will be organized under the auspices of the International Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC), Associação Portuguesa de Horticultura (APH), Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV), Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) and Centro Operativo e Tecnológico Hortofrutícola Nacional (COTHN).

The organization invites all interested parties to submit abstracts from April 15 and July 15 on the event’s website: HERE

Further information please contact the 9th IOBC-WPRS Meeting onIntegrated Protection of Olive Cropsvia email

NOTE: Due to the uncertainty of the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting can be transformed into a digital event. In this case, all registrants will receive a refund for the difference in the registration price.

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