On the occasion of the 107th session of the Council of Members, the IOC and the Argentine authorities, the session hosts, have organised an international seminar on olive growing in the Americas.
This seminar is a good opportunity both for the IOC to inform the Latin American olive sector about its activities and for this sector to come into contact with a global vision of olive growing and contribute to discussions on quality, olive oil chemistry, technology and the environment.
Subjects of particular interest are training, health benefits, marketing and consumer trends in the olive sector, as well as the sensory analysis conducted by IOC-recognised panels in Argentina.
The proceedings will be held on 22 June at the Palace of San Martin, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. They will be moderated by the IOC Deputy Executive Director, Jaime Lillo, assisted by local and international experts.
The authorities will start by welcoming the participants, after which the morning session quick off with a presentation of the IOC’s activities. This will be followed by a section on the current situation and future outlook of the olive oil and table olive sector in the Americas, with the participation of Brazilian, Chilean, American and Argentinean experts. In the afternoon, the seminar will focus on the health benefits of olive oil, based on the conclusions of the international symposium on the relationship between the consumption of olive oil and the prevention of chronic diseases.
Speakers will include eminent international scientists and experts in the field of nutrition. The seminar would not be complete without a section on olive product marketing and sale trends, which will follow, while the last section of the seminar will look at the sensory analysis of extra virgin olive oil, with a round-table discussion with the specialists of an official IOC-recognised tasting panel in Argentina.
The conclusions of the seminar will be submitted to the current Chairperson of the IOC, Ruben Eduardo Tempone and to the Executive Director of the International Olive Council, Abdellatif Ghedira.
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