International Olive Council
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Imports of Table Olives
The main importers of table olives were the United States (23%), Brazil (17%) and the European Union (16%). Together, these three markets account for 56% of world imports. The remaining importer countries represent below 6%
Panel, new pandemic regulations
Approved by written procedure. The EU gave its approval but requested it be reviewed in the future
Uzbekistan: the 18th member of the International Olive Council?
A videoconference was held on 4 June 2020 between Abdellatif Ghedira, Executive Director of the IOC, and H.E. Jakhongir Ganiev, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Madrid. The Head of the Legal Department and the Head of the External Relations Department also took part in the remote […]
Japan. Imports of olive oil
Imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil into Japan increased by 23.6% in the last crop year. The olive oil market in Japan saw strong growth from 2011/12 to 2014/15, when it reached 61 904 t. However, in the 2015/16 crop year, it recorded a fall of 8.3% compared to the 2014/15 crop year. In 2018/19, it reached a historic high of 70 640 t
The future of olive germplasm
The conservation and use of plant genetic resources is key for the future of agriculture, food and the environment. The FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, in line with the Convention on Biological Diversity, ensures food security through conservation, free exchange and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits of these resources
International Olive Council Executive Director message
As you know, on 14 March 2020, the Kingdom of Spain declared a state of emergency in order to manage the health crisis caused by COVID-19 and, in particular, decreed the restriction of the movement of persons and the limitation of transport services for the next two weeks. […]
Australia, olive oil imports
Imports of virgin olive oil and olive oil in Australia increased by 2% in the 2018/19 crop year, reaching 31 897 t, the highest figure in the last 9 crop years.
Sidney, World Congress on Oils and Fats 2020 and 28th ISO TC34 SC11 meeting
The 'World Congress on Oils and Fats 2020' was held in Australia from 9 to 12 February 2020. The International Olive Council was represented by Jaime Lillo López, the Deputy Executive Director, and Mercedes Fernández Albaladejo, the Head of the Standardisation and Research Unit
Madrid, meeting of the technical commission of experts on laboratory testing
The technical expert commission for laboratory control met on 3 February 2020 a the headquarters of the International Olive Council in Madrid
The IOC and CIHEAM-IAMZ met to establish the advanced course on the monitoring and surveillance of olive pathogens
The course will take place at the IAMZ Zaragoza from 30 November to 4 December 2020
The international market
Changes in the consumption of olive oil and table olives in overall consumption have been reported. Below, you can consult official data
Technical Cooperation and training
An example of Ioc activities are the national missions and training sessions that meet the specific needs of our member countries, and the international seminars and training sessions that take place with the aim of improving and harmonising the scientific and technical knowledge of Ioc members.
Olive oil germplasm banks
The synergy between olive growing, olive oil technology and the environment is integrated in IOC technical cooperation and training activities which link various protection strategies for the sustainable development and preservation of olive resources
Ioc and Wco Strengthen collaboration
Different categories of olive oil were presented according to the Ioc trade standards, as well as the approval of physico-chemical and organoleptic laboratories
Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina visits the Ioc
The Executive Director informed the Ambassador about the mission of Ioc and its activities, as well as the benefits that the adhering members get in terms of expertise and technical cooperation
Xylella fastidiosa roadmap and climate change
The olive tree as a solution in the fight against climate change The objective of the IOC is to “present the olive grove as an environmentally positive crop because of its potential to store and extract CO2 from the atmosphere”
Olive Oil, estimates 2019/20 crop year
Olive oil production has tripled in the last 60 years, reaching 3 379 000 t in the 2017/18 crop year. The production estimate for the 2019/20 crop year puts production at 3 144 000 t (-2.3%). World consumption could reach 3,094,000 t, an increase of 6.4% over the previous crop year
Table olives, provisional 2018/19 crop year and 2019/20 crop year estimates
Provisional data puts world production in the 2018/19 crop year at 2 569 000 t, 21.7% down on the previous crop year. Among member countries, Spain stands out for production, making 22.9% of the world’s total, an increase of 4.6% on the previous crop year. However, production in […]
Benefits of Accending for consumer countries
Standardisation and research. The Agreement is not only for producer countries; many of its articles also consider consumer countries and the things the Ioc can do for them
An International agreement under un law
The Ioc International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives 2015, opening out to consumer countries and the benefits of membership
World Olive Day declaration’s meaning
The Ioc celebrated World Olive Day on last 28 November with a ceremony attended by the delegations of the member countries, representatives of the sector, authorities and members of the diplomatic corps. At the event, the Executive Director, Abdellatif Ghedira read out a joint Declaration of all Ioc member countries joining in the celebration of World Olive Day approved by Unesco already. Under its call to “Choose olives to protect our planet and our health!” this declaration highlights the role of olive growing in the sustainable economic and social development of a number of countries, and as part of the solution in combating global warming.
The mission of the International Olive Council
Throughout its history, the Ioc has undergone structural changes driven both by the evolution of regional policy and by the growth in olive oil consumption beyond its traditional area
The Ioc on the front line against climate change
"Olive growing is now a sustainable strategy against climate change," said Abdellatif Ghedira, the Executive Director of the Ioc, in a message to participants at the Olive4Climate conference, organised by the University of Perugia
Jmo and Ioc anniversary
A ceremony was held to mark the occasion, and the Executive Secretariat invited a number of representatives from various governments, the diplomatic corps and delegations from Member States to headquarters in Madrid
New Headquarters agreement
The Agreement governing the Ioc building was signed on 28 November
The Santander Foundation and the Ioc: closer than ever
Memorandum of understanding between the two institutions
World Olive Day approved by Unesco
Abdellatif Ghedira, made the announcement today at headquarters in Madrid
Close ties between Libya and the Ioc
Alongside the 110th session of the Council of Members (Madrid, 25-29 November 2019), Mr Abdelbaset Ghanimi, the Minister of Agriculture of Libya, met with Mr Abdellatif Ghedira, the Executive Director of the Ioc, to discuss the role of the organisation, the world olive sector and support mechanisms for […]
The 110th session begins
The 110th session of the Council of Members of the International Olive Council has begun at headquarters in Madrid. Representatives from the Organisation’s 17 member countries will discuss various important topics over the course of the five-day session. The Committees for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Economics and Promotion, Chemistry and Standardisation and Olive Oil Technology and the Environment have come together to discuss important topics such as past and present activity, statistics and the Observatory
The new International Olive Council website goes live
On 19 November 2019, the new IOC website officially went live. One year after the conclusion of the first phase of the analysis, and in keeping with the terms of the contract, the IOC can now offer a completely new communication system, thanks to the work of Member States and the Executive Secretariat. The new Observatory can also now be launched in the second half of 2020
World Trade in olive oil and table olives
The IOC issued the latest data on international trade in olive oils and table olives, data for the current marketing year compared with the previous season for the same period
Australia, imports olive oil and table olives
Australia's imports of olive oil and olive-pomace oil increased by 7% in the 2017/18 crop year. Spain and Italy are main suppliers: accounting for 89.9% of the total...
Canada, imports olive oil and table olives
Canada accounts for about 5% of world imports of olive oil and olive-pomace oil. Imports reached 47 967 tin the 2017/18 crop year, an increase of 17.8% compared to the previous year, but an increase of 25.7% if wecompare to the 2012/13 crop year, when Canada imported 38 169 t
Madrid, Coi: back to work for the standardisation and research unit
After the summer break, the Standardisation and Research Unit is back in full force with a busy calendar for the coming months. A meeting for the working group on the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oil and panel harmonisation will take place on 19 and 20 September at […]
54 th Meeting Coi of the Advisor Committee
In accordance with Article 6, point 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Advisory Committee on Olive Oil and Table Olives, the Executive Secretariat of the International Olive Council has the honour of informing you on behalf of the Chair of said Committee that its 54th meeting […]
World trade in olive oil in the first four months of the current crop year
The table below shows figures for trade in olive oil and olive-pomace oil in the top eight markets in the first four months of the current crop year (October 2018 – January 2019). Increases were found in Japan (23%); China (15%); Brazil (14%); Australia (13%); Russia (12%); the […]
World trade in table olives in the first nine months of the 2018/19 crop year
The table below shows trade in table olives in the first nine months of the 2018/19 crop year (September 2018 – May 2019). Increases were found in the US (14%); Brazil (11%); Australia (9%); and Canada (4%) compared to the same period the previous crop year. In the […]
Producer prices olive oil, August 2019
Graph 1 shows the weekly producer price movements of extra virgin olive oil in the top three producer countries of the EU and Tunisia. Graph 3 shows the weekly producer price movements of refined olive oil in the top two producer countries of the EU. Price movements by […]
Juan Vicente Gómez Moya, 1940-2019
It is with great sadness that on 23 August we bid farewell to Juan Vicente Gómez Moya, a beloved member of the IOC family who served as Chair of the Advisory Committee for a number of years. Born in Valencia in 1940, he graduated in law and was […]
Producer prices olive oil, July 2019
Graph 1 shows weekly producer price movements for extra virgin olive oil in the three main producer coun- tries of the EU and Tunisia. Graph 3 shows weekly producer price movements for refined olive oil in the twomain producer countries of the EU. Monthly price movements for these […]
The United States imports of Olive Oil
The United States accounts for around 36% of world imports of olive oil, placing it in first place followed by the European Union with 15%; Brazil with 8%; Japan with 7%; and Canada with 5%. This makes a total of 71% of imports worldwide. The rest of the importer countries account for just under 5%
World trade in olive oil: October 2018 – April 2019
The table below illustrates the trade figures for olive oil and olive-pomace oil in eight markets in the first se-ven months of the current crop year, October 2018 to April 2019. The data show an increase of 25% in Japan; 16% in Australia and Russia; 15% in Brazil; […]
World trade in table olives: September 2018 – April 2019
The table below shows the trade figures for table olives in the first eight months of the 2018/19 crop year (September 2018 – April 2019). According to the data, increases have been found in Australia and the US (14%); Brazil (11%); and Canada (3%), compared to the same […]
The high patronage of King Felipe VI
We have the honour and pleasure to announce that, on Thursday 28 November 2019, the Ioc will celebrate its 60th anniversary. In order to commemorate this special day, the Executive Secretariat invited the King of Spain to attend. The Royal Palace has graciously accepted our invitation and we […]
Oil and table olives in Brazil
The South American country accounts for about 8% of world olive oil imports, ranking third after the United States (36%) and the European Union (15%). These three countries, just to give you an idea, alone account for 59% of world imports. The Brazilian table olive market also shows a positive long-term trend, reaching 17% of world imports.
Here is the Morocco oil
It is a very flourishing sector of the economy, with 380,000 permanent jobs, involving almost 480,000 farms, with a national olive-growing area increased by 63%, at the rate of almost 27,000 hectares per year (in the period 2008-2018). At present, 26% of the olive groves are young and 72% are in full production. The old plantations are only 22% of the total. A focus of in-depth analysis useful to get a general and detailed idea of how and how much the Maghreb country is investing in olive growing and heliotrophication
The evolution of olive growing in Egypt
In 2016/17, Egypt had a total cultivation area of 100,000 ha, almost 1% of the world’s total. According to the latest IOC data, the Egyptian olive sector is heavily oriented towards table olives, which represent 95% of its total production. Egypt is the second biggest consumer of table olives per capita among IOC member countries, and the fourth when counting non-member countries
Albania returns to the International Olive Council
On 6 March 2019 Albania deposited the instrument of accession to the international agreement on olive oil and table olives, 2015, with the depositary (United Nations Office in New York). With the accession of Albania, the members belonging to the IOC rise to 16. In the country of […]
Promotion: new International Olive Council campaign launched in China
A new campaign to promote IOC standards has started in China. Promotion activities will start officially on 15 March in Beijing with a press conference. This event will illustrate the most important stages of the new information campaign. The IOC will be represented by Deputy Executive Director Jaime […]
Open call for experts and laboratories working on possible contaminants in olive oils and olive-pomace oils
The IOC Executive Secretariat would like to invite experts and laboratory leaders working on possible contaminants in olive oils and olive-pomace oils to express their interest in participating in data collection and method validation. The IOC Working Group on the determination of contaminant residues in olive oils and […]
Japan: a team works to facilitate adoption of the COI standard
Abdellatif Ghedira, alongside head of the economy and promotion unit Ender Gunduz, took part in several meetings with Japanese olive-growing authorities and companies with the goal of Japan acceding to the IOC. The representatives of the Executive Secretariat of the International Olive Oil Council first met the Japanese […]
Meeting of the advisory committee will be preceded by technical meeting
The Egyptian authorities have kindly offered to host the 53rd meeting of the Advisory Committee in Cairo on Wednesday 24 April 2019. This meeting will coincide with the 53rd meeting of the signatory asso- ciations of the agreement for the quality control of olive oils and olive pomace […]
Building a relationship between Japan and the Ioc
The Chair of the parliamentary group, Mr Takeo Kawamura, presented the work the group carried out to adapt the Japanese legislation to IOC standards, before beginning the debate in which Eriko Yamatani, Hi- roshi Hiraguchi and Seigo Kitamura, as well as the Minister for Information Technology Takuya Hirai. […]
The Ioc on the Oleum advisory board, a Horizon 2020 project on olive oil
The IOC is on the advisory board of a Hori- zon2020 project called OLEUM, alongside a consor- tium of some 20 partner organizations. The project aims to develop advanced solutions for assuring au- thenticity and quality of olive oil at a global scale. A three-day meeting was held […]
Italy proposes a new classification for olive oil
At a workshop organized by one of the main organization of olive oil associations of italian companies: Unaprol and from Coldiretti also, a request for a new category of extra virgin olive oil was lodged by the chair of Unaprol, David Granieri. The idea is to reduce the […]
The Tunisian government shows its support for the work of the IOC
The Executive Director of the International Olive Council met the Tunisian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Khemais Jinhaoui. Together, they discussed the activities of the IOC and the action taken to promote olive oil around the world. They also discussed the role of strict quality control in international […]
The Advisory Committee heads to Egypt in April
The 53rd meeting of the Advisory Committee of the IOC will take place in Cairo (Egypt) between 23 and 24 April 2019. The signatory associations of the Agreement on the quality control of olive oils and olive-pomace oils sold on import markets will hold a meeting in Egypt […]
Panel leader course in Turkey
The International Olive Council, at Turkey’s request, will organise an international course for panel leaders on the sensory analysis of virgin olive oil in Izmir from 18 to 22 March 2019. This course is designed to respond to the need for technical officers with the requisite skills to […]
World trade in olive oil and table olives (November and December 2018)
1. OLIVE OIL – 2017/18 Imports in olive oil and olive-pomace oil at the close of the 2017/18 crop year (October 2017 – September 2018) increased by 29% in Brazil, 18% in Canada and 2% in the US. They remained stable in Japan. Russia [1] and Australia [2] […]
World Olive Day at IOC
Today we move onto a new phase in our development that brings us to answer the question so often brought to us: why the IOC? Aside from its role of safeguarding quality and standards, the IOC is above all a hotbed of over a thousand specialists and experts in the field of olive-growing. Researchers, engineers, economists, chemists, tasters, nutritionists, statisticians…
World trade of table olives, October 2018
OLIVE OIL – 2017/18 Imports in olive oil and olive-pomace oil at the close of the 2017/18 crop year (October 2017 – August 2018) increased by 28% in Brazil, 16% in Canada, 3% in Australia and 2% in the US. They remained stable in Japan. Russia [Data for […]
Brazilian imports of olive oil and olive-pomace oil
Have risen by 28% over the course of the 2017/18 crop year, reaching 76 816.6 tonnes compared to the previous crop year and surpassing the average volumes of the last four crop years. Portugal, the main exporter
Integrated Action against Xylella fastidiosa to Protect Olive Trees and International Trade
The International Olive Oil held a meeting on 6 and 7 September 2018 with representatives from the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, the International Plant Protection Convention and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization to discuss implementing a joint plan to prevent, control and mitigate the effects of the bacteria Xylella fastidiosa in olive trees and protect international trade
Producer prices olive oil, October 2018
Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements of prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the three main producer countries of the EU and in Tunisia. Graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the three main EU producer countries. […]
C02: a worldwide seminar on November 22 at IOC headquarters
The International Olive Council, Intergovernmental organization that administers the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015, warmly invites you to attend this seminar on olive growing and climate change. This is the outcome of the IOC’s commitment to spreading the positive environmental impact of olive growing. […]
Iran ratifies the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives
On 24 October, the Islamic Republic of Iran officially ratified the 2015 International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives at the office of the United Nations Secretariat in New York. In doing so, Iran has become a full member of the International Olive Council. The new arrival […]
Madrid. An international harvest
As the olive harvest begins across the northern hemisphere, the IOC does not shy away and has organised its own international harvest. With 17 olive trees, planted around an impressive statue of the dove of peace, the garden in front of the IOC holds one of the most […]
Liferesilience: essential information for the fight against Xylella fastidiosa
The Executive Secretariat welcomed partners from LIFE RESILIENCE (, a European project aiming to spread awareness about sustainable practices for preventing Xylella fastidiosa in intensive almond and olive tree cultivation. Jaime Lillo, Deputy Executive Director of the IOC, Abdelkrim Adi, Head of the Technology and Environment Unit, and […]
The Advisory Committee of the International Olive Council holds its 52nd meeting
The Executive Director, Adbellatif Ghedira, opened the 52nd meeting of the Advisory Committee on olive oil and table olives. He was accompanied by Jaime Lillo and Mustafa Sepetçi, the two Deputy Executive Directors. Representatives from the olive sector around the world came to IOC headquarters in Madrid to […]
Ghedira and Sepetçi (International Olive Council) on mission in Turkey
After an invitation from the Turkish government, Abdellatif Ghedira, the Executive Director, and Mustafa Sepetçi, the Deputy Executive Director, made an official visit to Turkey – they are photographed here with the vice-minister of trade, Fatih Metin. The goal of this diplomatic mission was to exchange ideas on […]
World trade of table olives, September 2018
In the first eleven months of the 2017/18 crop year [According to the new provisions of the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015, which came into force on 1 January 2017, “table olive crop year” means the period of twelve months from 1 September of […]
Producer prices olive oil, September 2018
PRODUCER PRICES – OLIVE OIL Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in the prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three EU producing countries and in Tunisia, while graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the […]
Olive oil estimates 2018/19
According to the official country data and the estimates of the IOC Executive Secretariat, world production in 2018/19 is estimated at around 3 064 000 t, which would be a decrease of approximately 7.6% compared to the previous year. Consumption is expected at 2 916 500 t. Imports and exports are expected to exceed 890 000 t respectively
Table olive estimates 2018/19
World production for the 2018/19 crop year is estimated at 2 735 500 t, a 7% decrease compared to the previous crop year. IOC member countries account for 91% of world production and will see a decreaseof 5.7% compared to the previous crop year
Olive oil performance in 2017/18
The group of experts who are responsible for monitoring olive oil statistics for the IOC met on 1 October at headquarters in Madrid. According to the provisional data provided by the countries, global production reached 3 315 000 t in the 2017/2018 crop year, although the data is only provisional.
World trade of olive oil, September 2018
Trade in olive oil and olive-pomace oil in the eight markets in the table below and with two months to go before the end of the 2017/18 crop year (October 2017 – July 2018), point to an increase of 29% in Brazil; 12% in Canada; 4% in the […]
The Executive Director of the International Olive Council, Abdellatif Ghedira, makes an official visit to Cairo
The Egyptian Minister of Agriculture invited the Executive Director of the International Olive Council, Abdellatif Ghedira, for an official visit to Cairo. The ED is photographed here with the ambassador to Egypt in Madrid, Omar Ahmed Abdel Wahab Selim, at a recent visit to the IOC. Ghedira was […]
International Olive Council, the group of experts on statistics prepares for the new crop year
Here’s a first look at the outcome of the 9th meeting of the IOC’s group of statistics experts, which took place at the Organisation’s headquarters in Madrid. The group looked over balance sheets from previous crop years and production predictions for the coming year (2018/19). The group took […]
Fresh International Olive Council-backed grants for the University of Jaén
Thanks to a new IOC scholarship, more than 20 tasters may be able to enrol in a university programme on the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oil
Spain gives its full support to the International Olive Council
The Spanish government conveyed its full support for the IOC during a meeting between the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, and the Executive Director of the IOC, Abdellatif Ghedira (pictured). Over the course of the meeting, which was held at the offices of the Ministry, […]
L’oléiculture se développe en Libye grâce au soutien du COI
Le Directeur exécutif Abdellatif Ghedira, accompagné du chef de l’Unité technique Abdelkrim Adi et du chef du Département des relations extérieures Mounir Fourati, a reçu le Chargé d’Affaires de l’Ambassade de Libye à Madrid, Walid B.D. Abuabdallah, au siège du COI. L’objet de la rencontre était d’examiner l’état […]
Work in progress
After the summer break, the Executive Secretariat of the IOC is back to work with a busy schedule of meetings and activities in all areas
International trade of olive oils and table olives, July-August 2018
OLIVE OIL – CROP YEAR 2017/18 Trade in olive oil and olive-pomace oil in the eight markets listed in the table below close the first nine months of the 2017/2018 crop year (October 2017 – June 2018), with an increase of 29% in Brazil, 9% in Canada, 2% […]
Producer prices olive oil, July-August 2018
Graph 1 shows the weekly movements in prices paid to producers of extra virgin olive oil in the top three European producing countries and Tunisia. Graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the top three EU producer countries. The monthly price […]
The Latin-American olive sector
At the invitation of the Argentine authorities, the 107th session of the Council of Members was held from 18 to 21 June 2018, in Buenos Aires (Argentina). After the meeting of the Council of Members, on 22 June 2018, the International Olive Council (IOC) and the Argentine authorities held an international seminar on the olive oil sector in the Americas
World trade of olive oil and table olives, June 2018
1. OLIVE OIL – OPENING OF THE 2017/18 CROP YEAR Imports of olive oil and olive-pomace oil in the eight markets that appear in the table below close the first seven months of the 2017/18 crop year (October 2017 – April 2018), with an increase of 29% in […]
Tunisian organic olive oil
A far-reaching and promising future. There are currently some 3 300 operators in the vari- ous branches. Olive oil continues to dominate the market, for which Tunisia was the first global exporter of organic olive oil in 2015. Olive growing is the driving force of organic farming in Tunisia, where olive plantations cover some 125 000 ha, or 40% of the total crop area using organic farming practices, thereby to position itself as the third country in terms of olive acreage
Positive outcome for the 2018 Mario Solinas Award
New York – This year, the Mario Solinas award ceremony was held in New York and was attended by an IOC delegation, led by Deputy Executive Director Jaime Lillo (photographed). The public, which was predominantly from the consumer sector, was able to appreciate the efforts made by the […]
English translation traineeship opportunity at the IOC
The IOC Executive Secretariat is seeking a graduate in translation studies or in another subject with post-graduate qualifications in translation for a three -month paid traineeship beginning in September 2018, with the possibility of extension. This will be an opportunity for the trainee to work in a multi-cultural, […]
Buenos Aires, international seminar on the olive sector in the Americas
On the occasion of the 107th session of the Council of Members, the IOC and the Argentine authorities, the session hosts, have organised an international seminar on olive growing in the Americas. This seminar is a good opportunity both for the IOC to inform the Latin American olive […]
Santarém, top table seat in Portugal for the IOC
The Executive Director of the IOC, Abdellatif Ghedira, was given a top table seat at the first global summit on olive oil in Portugal, as part of the National Agriculture Fair in Santarém. Ghedira opened the international symposium with a presentation on the development of the world olive […]
IOC welcomed by Argentina, the southernmost producer of olive oil
The proceedings of the 107th session of the International Olive Council (IOC) are now under way in Buenos Aires, the city which is hosting the IOC at the invitation of the Argentine authorities. The meetings are being held at the Palace of San Martin, the headquarters of the […]
Olive growing in Argentina
In the Americas, Argentina is the leader both as producer and exporter of olive oil and table olives. Across all provinces, modern production systems co-exist with traditional systems. Modern farming systems, such as intensive or super-intensive farming, are the models generally applied in the various olive growing regions of this country
World trade of olive oil and table olives, May 2018
OLIVE OIL – OPENING OF THE 2017/18 CROP YEAR Imports of olive oil and olive-pomace oil in the eight markets that appear in the table below close the first six months of the 2017/18 crop year (October 2017 – March 2018) with increases of 21% in Brazil, 7% […]
Producer prices olive oil, May 2018
Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three European producing countries and Tunisia, while Graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the main three EU producers. The monthly price […]
The 107th session of the Council of Members in Argentina
The countdown has started for the next meeting of the Council of Members of the International Olive Council (IOC). Its 107th session will be held in Buenos Aires at the invitation of the Argentine authorities. The session’s proceedings will run from Monday, 18 June, to Thursday, 21 June, […]
When we say oil and table olives
The 51st meeting of the Advisory Committee on Olive Oil and Table Olives was held on 24 April 2018 in Amman, Jordan. World olive oil consumption in 2017/18 is expected to reach 2 950 000 t, which is 8% higher than the last crop year. World consumption of table olives is expected to reach 2 786 000 t, which would be a 1% increase compared to the previous crop year
Egypt is now officially a Member of the International Olive Council
Egypt is now officially a Member of the International Olive Council (in the picture: the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt Sameh Shoukry and the Executive Director of the IOC Abdellatif Ghedira). On 3 May, Egypt deposited its instrument of accession to the International Agreement on Olive Oil […]
World trade of olive oil and table olives, April 2018
OLIVE OIL – OPENING OF THE 2017/18 CROP YEAR Imports of olive oil and olive-pomace oil in the eight markets that appear in the table below began the first five months of the 2017/18 crop year (October 2017 – February 2018) with increases in Brazil (16%), Japan, Russia […]
Producer prices olive oil, April 2018
Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three European producing countries and Tunisia, while Graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the main three EU producers. The monthly price […]
Olive Growing in Jordan
The olive sector is one of the most important sectors in Jordan due to the large volume of investment it attracts. Jordan is home to some of the oldest olive trees in the world. It is one of the oldest historic olive habitats in the world and the olive tree is considered to be an important part of Jordanian heritage. Olive growing is spread over two regions of the country, in the west and north-east. As of the year 2000, Jordan achieved self-sufficiency in the production of both olive oil and table olives
World trade of olive oil, opening of the 2017/18 crop year
Production Imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil in the eight markets that appear in the table below began the first four months of the 2017/18 crop year (October 2017–January 2018) with increases in Brazil (8%), in Japan (5%), while in China imports remained stable compared to […]
World trade of table olives, opening of the 2017/18 crop year
Production Imports of table olives in the first five months of the 2017/18 crop year (September 2017–January 2018)[According to the new provisions of the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015, which came into force on 1 January 2017, “table olive crop year” means to the […]
Producer prices, olive oil (March 2018)
Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three European producing countries and Tunisia, while Graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the main three EU producers. The monthly price […]
The Japan olive oil market
People are choosing extra virgin olive oil for its health benefits. An increasing amount of information is being published on this product. Japan has closed its imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil for the 2016/17 crop year at 56 853 t, which is up by 0.2% compared to last year. Ninety eight per cent of total imports come from European countries. For the last four crop years, Spain has been in the lead with 59% of the total, followed by Italy with 37% and Greece with 1%. Trend in imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil in the japanese market
World trade of olive oil and table olives, February 2018
OLIVE OIL – OPENING OF THE 2017/18 CROP YEAR Imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil in the eight markets that appear in the table below began the first three months of the 2017/18 crop year (October – December 2017), with increases in the United States, up […]
United States. Olive oil imports, trends
Over the years, structural changes have been observed in the import market. Spain currently dominates the bulk market and is gaining volume in the bottled container sector. For the second year in a row, Spain is the first supplier to the US in terms of volume
World trade in olive oil and table olives, opening of the 2017/18 crop year
OLIVE OIL Imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil in the eight markets that appear in the table below began the first two months of the 2017/18 crop year (October – November 2017), with decreases in most markets: -48% in China; -16% in Australia; – 11% in […]
Producer prices in Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia
Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three European producing countries and Tunisia, while Graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the main three EU producers. The monthly price […]
The main message reported back from the campaign The Olive Oil Promise, launched by the IOC in the United States
The main message reported back from the campaign The Olive Oil Promise, launched by the IOC in the United States as the first global importer of this health product par excellence, is that an increasing number of Americans are opting for a diet based on extra virgin olive […]
World table olive market
World production of table olives over the last 30 crop years has grown steadily. World consumption of table olives is 2.86 times greater than 30 years ago, increasing by 186% over the period 1990/91 – 2017/18. The consumption of table olives can strengthen the natural defences of consumers
World trade in olive oil, close of the 2016/17 crop year
At the close of the 2016/17 crop year (October 2016 – September 2017), sales of olive oil and olive pomace oil in the eight markets that appear in the table below presented an increase of 17% in Brazil; 14% in China and 10% in Australia; imports in Japan […]
World trade in table olives, close of the 2016/17 crop year
Microsoft Word – NEWSLETTER- DICIEMBRE-2017-ENGLISH Trade in table olives at the close of the 2016/17 crop year (September 2016 – August 2017) [1] indicates a 15% increase in Brazil and 4% increase in Australia. Imports however fell in Canada and the United States with a year-on- year decrease […]
Extra virgin olive oil. Producer prices in Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia
Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three European producing countries and Tunisia. Extra virgin olive oil – Producer prices in Spain have remained constant, standing at 3.57€/kg at the end of December 2017, which is […]
Refined olive oil. Producer prices in Spain and Italy
Microsoft Word – NEWSLETTER- DICIEMBRE-2017-ENGLISH Refined olive oil: Producer prices for refined olive oil in Spain and Italy generally follow the same trend as the prices for extra virgin olive oil. The price in Spain at the end of December 2017 stood at €3.49/kg, up by 6% compared […]
World olive oil balances for the 2016/17 and 2017/18 crop years
The world olive oil balance for the 2016/17 crop year opened with 549 500 t of olive oil held in stocks. World olive oil production is assessed at 2 539 000 t, down by 20% compared with the previous crop year (- 637.500 t). The figure for the […]
Brazil. Imports of olive oil and table olives
Over the last ten crop years the trend in imports per product category has altered considerably. Currently, 87% of imported oil is of the virgin or extra virgin olive oil category, 12% is olive oil and only 1% is olive pomace oil.
Trends of olive oil and table olives markets according to the latest data disclosed by the International Olive Council
Microsoft Word – ok-NEWSLETTER- OCTOBER-2017-ENGLISH 1. OLIVE OIL – 2016/17 Imports in olive oil and olive pomace oil in the first eleven months of this crop year (October 2016 – August 2017) in the eight markets listed in the table below point to an increase of 21% in […]
Peruvian Pro Olivo delegation at the International Olive Council
A delegation of Peruvian olive sector entrepreneurs from the Peruvian association Pro Olivo was received by the Executive Secretariat of the International Olive Council (IOC) on 13 October. During the meeting, which was presided by Deputy Executive Director Mustapha Sepetçi, the heads of the IOC Departments and Units […]
Tunisian MPs visit the International Olive Council
A delegation of Tunisian members of parliament visited the headquarters of the International Olive Council on Monday, 16 October, during a work assignment to Spain. They were received by the Executive Director, Abdellatif Ghedira, the two Deputy Executive Directors and the officers in charge of communications and legal […]
Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism delegation at International Olive Council
A delegation of experts from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism visited the headquarters of the IOC on 10 October during a mission to Spain. This took place prior to their meeting with representatives of the Directorate General for the Protection of Intangible Heritage of the Spanish […]
Olive oil performance in 2016/17 and olive oil and table olive estimates for 2017/18
Olive oil: provisional data for 2016/17 The meeting of the IOC Statistics Working Group was held on 29 September 2017. According to the provisional data provided by the countries, global production in the 2016/17 crop year is set to reach 2 538 000 t, for a 20% decrease, […]
Imports in olive oil and olive pomace oil
WORLD TRADE IN OLIVE OIL AND TABLE OLIVES OLIVE OIL – 2016/17 Imports in olive oil and olive pomace oil in the first ten months of this crop year (October 2016 – July 2017) in the eight markets in the table below point to an increase of 25% […]
Oil under the spotlights
The International Olive Council has a very dense agenda of initiatives for the final part of the year. They range from strictly economic matters, also related to market statistical data, to focus on research, including an important meeting involving the most prestigious scholars and another rendez-vous, in preparation to an international workshop that will be held in Davis, US, in January 2018, to finish with promotional activities in Japan, United States and China
World trade in olive oil and table olives, October 2016 – June 2017
1. OLIVE OIL – 2016/17 Imports in olive oil and olive-pomace oil in the first nine months of this crop year (October 2016 – June 2017) in the eight markets listed in the table below reported a year-on-year increase of 29% in Brazil; 16% in Australia; 14% in […]
International Olive Council: producer prices, olive oil
Microsoft Word – NEWSLETTER- JULY-AUGUST-2017-EN _2_ Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in the prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three EU producing countries and in Tunisia, while graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in […]
China, olive oil import trends
Imports of olive oil and olive-pomace oil in China increased steadily. As regards the origin of imports, in the last crop year, 95% came from countries in the European Union. In the 2015/16 crop year, China produced 5000 t of olive oil, which is a 75% increase compared to the previous year
New customs nomenclature
Proposal for the harmonisation of the customs system as regards the virgin olive oil group (1509 and 1510). International Olive Council is proposing that the WCO consider the possibility of aligning the customs headings with the definitions established in the IOC standard for olive oils and olive-pomace oils, providing a definition for each heading, with a view to improving market transparency, preventing fraud and, ultimately, protecting product quality and consumers
World olive oil and table olive market trends in 2016/17
According to the new figures received, world production of olive oil in 2016/17 will decrease by approximately 20% compared to the previous crop year. This decrease is the result of a fall in production in producer countries in general and in particular in European producer countries, which will together see a 25% decrease
World trade in olive oil and table olives (May 2017)
OLIVE OIL – 2016/17 Imports in olive oil and olive-pomace oil in the eight markets listed in the table below, over the first six months (October 2016–March 2017) of the 2016/17 crop year, grew by 39% in Australia; 37% in Brazil; 19% in China; 4% in Japan; and […]
Producer prices, olive oil (May 2017)
Microsoft Word – NEWSLETTER- MAY-2017-ENGLISH vista-corregida Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in the prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three EU producing countries and in Tunisia, while graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in […]
Olive growing in Italy
At the invitation of the Italian authorities, the 105th session of the Council of Members of the International Olive Council will be held in Rome (Italy) from 23 to 26 May 2017. Olive growing is an important agricultural activity in Italy, generating 3 151 million euros in the olive oil sector, and accounting for 2.4% of the value of agrifood production
World trade in olive oil and table olives (April 2017)
OLIVE OIL – 2016/17 Imports in olive oil and olive pomace oil over the first five months (October 2016–February 2017) of the 2016/17 crop year continue to report strong increases. The eight markets listed in the table below grew by 58% in Australia; 36% in Brazil; 34% in […]
A new IOC member country
Following the notification of the United Nations of the ratification by the State of Palestine of its accession to the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015, on 9 April 2017, H.E. Musa Amer Odeh, the Ambassador of Palestine in Madrid, was received by the Executive […]
Jordan ratifies its accession to the International Olive Council
The Office of the United Nations in New York, the depositary of the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015, has just informed the Executive Secretariat of the International Olive Council that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan ratified said Agreement on 19 April 2017. Jordan, which […]
The Portuguese Olive Sector
The olive growing area in Portugal is of 352 000 ha, of which 23% is irrigated while the rest is rain-fed. The largest olive tree domains are found in the Alentejo region, which accounts for 50% of the total olive growing area, followed by Tras-os-Montes (22%), Centro (18%); Ribatejo (7.7 %) and Algarve ( 2.3%). Close to 97.5% of the total surface area is used to grow olives for olive oil, while the rest is used for table olives. Six per cent of the olive growing area is used for organic olive farming.
World trade in olive oil, producer prices march 2017
Microsoft Word – NEWSLETTER- MARCH-2017-ENGLISH Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in the prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three EU producing countries and in Tunisia, while graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the […]
The Turkish olive oil sector
The value and unique characteristics of olives and olive oil have been acknowledged for centuries and are gaining even more prominence today. Cultivation of this noble fruit is concentrated in specific regions of the world, primarily in the countries bordering the shores of the Mediterranean. Turkey is one of those fortunate countries and is ranked as the world’s second biggest producer
World trade in olive oil: opening of 2016/17 with a sharp rise in imports
Sales of olive oil and olive pomace oil open the 2016/17 crop year on a sharp upturn in certain markets. In the first three months (October–December 2016) the eight markets that appear in the table below present an increase of 74% in Australia, 51% in Brazil, 42% in […]
Olive oil imports, China: +42% in the first months of 2016/17
Olive oil and olive pomace oil imports in China increased by 12% over the last crop year. As Graph I indicates, the olive to the respective previous crop years. General stability was maintained in 2014/15 compared to the previous years, rallying to end the 2015/16 crop year with […]
World trade in table olives: 2016/17 crop year opening
Trade in table olives in the first four months of 2016/172 (September–December 2016) in the five markets that appear in the table below show a year-on-year increase of 21% in Brazil; 11% in Australia, while there was no change in import levels in the United States. However, imports […]
World trade in olive oil, producer prices
Microsoft Word – NEWSLETTER- FEBRUARY-2017-ENGLISH Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in the prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three EU producing countries and in Tunisia, while graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the […]
International Olive Council: the consumption of olive oil protects our health
Olive is a prime example of a monosaturated fat, as a fundamental component of the Mediterranean diet. It is not only a pleasantly flavoured cooking fat that enhances other foods, but there is ample evidence of its nutritional properties and health benefits and further scientific studies are currently […]
Increase the olive growing income of rural households, Pilot Nursery Project
The IOC attended a coordination meeting for the “Pilot Nursery” Project – CFC/IOC/09 – from 8 to 10 February in Marrakech (Morocco) where, through a participative approach involving all the collaborating centres and the implementing agency, the percentage of achievement of each centre was evaluated in the light […]
Xylella fastidiosa, group of experts to address the subject at an international level
In follow up to a recommendation made at the international seminar on Xylella fastidiosa, which was held in Bari (Italy) from 28 to 30 November 2016, and with a view to strengthening cooperation between the IOC and other international organisations that are working to eradicate this bacterium (CIHEAM, […]
Table olives
The Probiolives Project. Research on table olives has shown that the consumption of this product can strengthen consumers’ natural immune systems
Trends in global consumption of table olives
The global consumption of table olives in recent years has multiplied by 2.7, increasing by 182.0% over the period 1990/91–2016/17
World trade in olive oil and table olives, opening of the 2016/17
1. OLIVE OIL – OPENING OF THE 2016/17 CROP YEAR WITH INCREASED IMPORTS Sales of olive oil and olive pomace oil open the 2016/17 crop year on an upturn. In the first two months (October – November 2016) the eight markets that appear in the table below present […]
104th Session of the Council of Members
The 104th Session of the Council of Members was held at the IOC headquarters in Madrid over the week of 22 to 25 November 2016. During the session, the Economic Committee held its18th meeting to discuss the olive oil and table olive figures presented in the balances for […]
World olive oil balances for the 2015/16 and 2016/17 crop years
The 2015/16 crop year opened with 277 000 t of olive oil held in world stocks. World production is assessed at 3 159 500 t, up by 29% compared to 2014/15 (+ 701 500 t). The figure for the aggregate olive oil production of the IOC member countries […]
Latest figures: World trade in olive oil and table olives
Producción OLIVE OIL – 2015/16 – As can be seen in the table below, at the close of the 2015/16 crop year (October 2015 – September 2016) imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil in the eight markets that appear in the table below presented a year-on-year […]
Producer prices, olive oils
Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the top three European producing countries and Tunisia, while Graph 3 shows the weekly changes in producer prices for refined olive oil in the main three EU producers. The monthly price […]
World trade in table olives 2015/16 crop year
Producción Imports in table olives in the first 11 months of the 2015/16 crop year (October 2015 – August 2016) in the six markets that appear in the table below presented a year-on-year increase of 7% in Australia, 3% in Canada and a 1% increase in the United […]
Spain, the first global producer and exporter
Spain has increases its extra-EU exports of olive oil and olive pomace oil by 20% in the first 11 months of 2015/16 (October 2015-August 2016), compared to the previous crop year
Olive oil producer prices
Graph 1 tracks weekly producer prices for extra virgin olive oil in the three main producer countries of the EU and Tunisia. Graph 3 tracks the weekly producer prices for refined virgin olive oil in the three main producer countries in the EU. Graphs 2 and 4 track […]
World trade in olive oil 2015/2016
Imports in olive oil and olive-pomace oil in the first nine months of the 2015/16 crop year (October 2015 – June 2016) in the markets listed in the table below reported a year-on-year increase of 12 % in Australia; 10% in China and 5% in the United States. […]
World trade in table olives 2015/2016
In the first nine months of the 2015/16 crop year (October 2015 – June 2016) imports increased by 6% in Australia and 2% in Canada, compared to the same period of the preceding crop year. However, imports decreased in all the other markets, falling by 12% in Brazil, […]
Olive growing in China
According to official sources, the Olive tree (Olea europea) was introduced into China over 40 years ago. However, the crop only started to expand at the beginning of the millennium. The areas of greatest potential for the development of olive growing are Gansu, Shaanxi and Sichuan. China currently has an olive hectarage of 86 000 ha, of which 43% is under irrigation. More than 27% of the current surface area is under production
Olive growing in Tunisia
In response to the invitation from the Tunisian authorities, the 27th extraordinary session of the International Olive Council (IOC) will be held in Hammamet (Tunisia) from 11 to 16 July. Olive oil is a key export product given that more than 80 pc of local production is exported. Tunisia is the second exporter worldwide after the European Union
Olive oil : healthy and good for the environment
At the IOC’s upcoming extraordinary session, the Council of Members will draw up a proposal for the participation of the IOC in COP22, which will be held in Marrakech in November, by organizing a conference on the carbon sink effect of olive trees
Olive oil and table olives in 2015/16
The analysis of the market data for the 2014/15 and 2015/16 crop years and the changes with respect to the estimates released in November 2015
World trade in olive oil and table olives
OLIVE OIL – 2015/16 Imports of olive oils and olive pomace oils in the first six months of the 2015/16 crop year (October 2015– March 2016) grew by 25 pc in China and 6 pc in the United States but fell in Brazil (−44 pc), Russia (−21 pc), […]
International olive council, 47 TH meeting of the advisory committee
These balances (here) will not be approved until the November 2016 session. The figures presented here are likely to change
Mario Solinas Award Ceremony held for the first time in Japan
For the first time ever, the International Olive Council held the Mario Solinas Award Ceremony in Japan within the framework of its Believe in Olive Oil promotion campaign in this Asian country.
Olive growing in Iran
This month we will be focusing on olive cultivation in Iran, a country that is a Member of the International Olive Council since January 2004 and which will be hosting the 47th meeting of the IOC Advisory Committee on Olive Oil and Table Olives and a regional seminar on quality, marketing and biodiversity, both scheduled to take place in Tehran on 16 and 17 May 2016
Trends in World table olive consumption
During the 25 years between the 1990/91 and 2015/16 seasons, world consumption of table olives increased 2.8 times. In 2015/16, the world’s top ten consumers were Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, the United States, Spain, Syria, Italy, Brazil, Iran, France and Russia. Looking at the countries in the European Union, we find that table olive consumption has risen by 70.6 pc
Irrigaolivo, the project has been set up in Morocco and Syria
Development and Dissemination of Sustainable Irrigation Management in Olive Growing
World trade in olive oil and table olives of 2015/16
OLIVE OIL AT THE OUTSET OF 2015/16 Comparison of imports of olive oils and olive pomace oils (under customs headings 15.09 and 15.10) in the first three months of the new 2015/16 crop year (October–December 2015) shows period-on-period growth of 29 pc for China (chiefly in December) and […]
Trends in World Olive Oil consumption
World consumption of olive oil increased 1.8 fold in volume between 1990/00 and 2015/16. As can be seen from Chart 1, this upward movement has been located primarily in non-IOC member countries whose share of world consumption climbed from 11 pc to 24 pc between the start and end years of the reporting period. In 2015/16, the volume of olive oil consumed at world level looks set to be around 4.6 pc higher than in 2014/15
World trade in olive oil, close of the 2014/15 crop year
At the close of the 2014/15 crop year, which ran from October 2014 until September 2015, sales of olive oil [olive oils (customs heading 15.09) and olive pomace oils (15.10)] showed a season-on-season increase for Japan (+10 pc), where heavy import growth began in March 2015, steady levels […]
World trade in olive oil, start of the 2015/16 crop year
The new 2015/16 crop year opened with lower trading in olive oil and olive pomace oil in most of the eight markets listed below. In the first two months of the crop year (October and November 2015), the only exception was China where imports were up by 4 […]
Trends in US olive oil imports: bulk and packaged
Over the last two decades, US imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil have increased almost two and a half times, rising from 125 000 t in 1993/94 to 311 000 t in 2014/15
World trade in table olives, close of the 2014/15 crop year
According to the figures for trade in table olives at the close of the 2014/15 crop year (October 2014–September 2015), imports were 12 pc higher in the United States, unchanged in Canada and down in Russia (−16 pc), Australia (−12 pc) and Brazil (−9 pc). Extra-EU imports were […]
World trade in table olives, start of the 2015/16 crop year
In October and November 2015, the first two months of the 2015/16 crop year, table olive imports behaved differently in the six markets reported below, showing increases in the United States (+19 pc) and Canada (+17 pc) and decreases in Brazil (−26 pc) and Australia (−6 pc). Only […]
Japan and South Korea: imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil in 2014/15
JAPAN: At the close of the 2014/15 crop year, Japanese imports of olive oil and olive pomace oil totalled 61 877 t, recording 10 pc growth on the previous season. Imports are itemised by country of origin in Table 1, which shows that 96 pc of the aggregate […]
World trade in olive oil, 2014/15 crop year
Imports of olive oil (customs heading 15.09) and olive pomace oil (customs heading 15.10) through eleven of the 12 months in the 2014/15 crop year (October 2014–August 2015) are reported in the table below for a number of countries. Compared with the same period in 2013/14, Japanese imports […]
World trade in table olives, 2014/15 crop year
In the eleven months from October 2014 to August 2015, table olive imports (see next table) were higher in the United States (+11 pc) and Canada (+1 pc) but lower in the rest of the countries reported, i.e. Australia (−12 pc since November 2014) and Brazil (−6 pc […]
Producer prices in Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia
Graph 1 tracks the weekly movements in the prices paid to producers for extra virgin olive oil in the three top EU producing countries plus Tunisia while Graph 3 shows the weekly changes in the producer prices for refined olive oil in the three main EU producers. The […]
Olive oil: estimates for 2015-16
According to official data, world production in 2015/16 is expected to lie at around 2 900 000 t, about 22 pc higher than in 2014/15. At this point in the crop year it is still too early to judge the accuracy of these estimates but by the time […]
Table olives: estimates for 2015-16
World table olive production for 2015/16 is forecast at 2 775 000 t. If this tonnage is confirmed, it would be a record figure, up by 13 pc or 320 000 t on the season before. This increase is driven by the good harvests expected in IOC member […]
Olive oil: provisional data for 2014-15
Representatives from the majority of the IOC member countries attended the latest meeting of the IOC Statistics Working Group held on 28 September. The figures reported here for 2014/15 take into account the data delivered by Members but are as yet provisional since the crop year has just […]
Latest forecasts assess world olive oil production in 2015/16
Although too many variables are still in play, world olive oil production in 2015–2016 looks set to be higher than in 2014/15 but lower than in 2013/1
World market for olive oil anda table olives
1. WORLD OLIVE OIL MARKET – 2014/15 Imports of olive oil by a number of countries under customs heading 15.09 and of olive pomace oil under customs heading 15.10 in the first nine months of the 2014/15 crop year (October 2014–June 2015) are reported in the table below. […]
World market for olive oil anda table olives in 2014/15
OLIVE OIL MARKET IN 2014/15. The table below reports the figures for imports of olive oil under customs heading 15.09 and olive pomace oil under customs heading 15.10 by a number of countries in the first seven months of the 2014/15 crop year (October 2014–April 2015). The data […]
Mario Solinas Quality Award 2015 for the best extra virgin olive oils
The International Olive Council awarded the prizes for the IOC Mario Solinas Quality Award 2015 during a seminar on Understanding Olive Oil addressed by IOC Executive Director Jean-Louis Barjol and Executive Vice President of the North American Olive Oil Association Eryn Balch. The seminar and awards took place […]
Olive oil, tables olives: close-up of world balances for 2014/15
Olive oil. The IOC Council of Members recently held their 24th extraordinary session from 16 to 19 June 2015. During the session, the Economic Committee discussed an agenda including the updated data supplied by the member countries for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 crop years. In this issue of […]
Olive oil and olive pomace oil: trade movements in the top four producing countries in 2013/14
SPAIN – At the close of the 2013/14 crop year, Spain had exported 1 231 817 t to the world market (including intra-EU deliveries), up by 68 pc on the previous season. Exports to non-EU countries totalled 336 115 t, of which 36 pc went to the United […]
International Olive Council: World market for olive oil anda table olives
1. OLIVE OIL IN THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 2014/15 For the first six months of the 2014/15 crop year (October 2014–March 2015), the figures for trade in olive oil under customs heading 15.09 and olive pomace oil under customs heading 15.10 in the countries listed in the […]