Integrated Action against Xylella fastidiosa to Protect Olive Trees and International Trade
The International Olive Oil held a meeting on 6 and 7 September 2018 with representatives from the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, the International Plant Protection Convention and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization to discuss implementing a joint plan to prevent, control and mitigate the effects of the bacteria Xylella fastidiosa in olive trees and protect international trade
The joint seminar “Integrated Action against Xylella fastidiosa to Protect Olive Trees and International Trade” organised by the IOC and CIHEAM at Bari (Italy) was announced at this meeting. The seminar will take place between 12 and 14 December 2018 in Bari. Please click here to sign up before 8 December if you wish to attend.
The seminar will address national organisations for plant protection, those responsible for the IOC network of germplasm banks, researchers and institutions working on the bacteria as well as representatives from producers in the main olive oil producer countries. The goal is to open up international channels of communication to discuss the issue and establish a strategy for effective communication to bring transparency and trust for operators, keeping all those involved informed on the progress of the bacteria and the state of recent research and ongoing projects.
The IOC, CIHEAM, FAO, CIPV and OEPP met to draw up a joint plan of action to respond to the needs of operators in the sector, in particular for the trade of olive trees around the world.
One of the tools used to elaborate this plan was the questionnaire presented by Dr Gaetano Ladisa, researcher at the CIHEAM, Bari, at the 52nd meeting of the Advisory Committee of the IOC on 16 October. The questionnaire aims to assess knowledge/perception of the risks and appreciation for the management/reaction to the Xf bacteria by the relevant parties.
The results will provide practical suggestions for improving the knowledge/perception relationship. This report will have a direct impact on the willingness to adopt preventative measures for controlling the pathogen.
Photo by Olio Officina
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