The Santander Foundation and the Ioc: closer than ever
Memorandum of understanding between the two institutions

The Santander Foundation and the Ioc recently signed a memorandum of understanding to work together in training, research and technical cooperation, as well as in bilateral and regional development projects. In signing the memorandum, the two institutions committed to maintaining open channels of communication and coordinating joint projects.
Together, they will source national and international funding to support the development of joint or additional activities, and ensure activities are monitored and evaluated in order to keep their programmes updated. It was agreed to carry out the stipulations of the memorandum using the resources available, in particular budgetary resources, and in accordance with the rules, procedures and financial regulations of both Parties. The arrangements for specific programmes, projects and activities will be specified in additional agreements. The agreement was signed by Francisco de Borja Baselga Canthal, Director of the Santander Foundation, and Abdellatif Ghedira, Executive Director of the Ioc, on 28 November.
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