2020 planned activities by Ioc Chemistry and standardisation Unit
In 2020 the following activities will be given priority by Chemistry and Standardisation unit: work on the revision of the Codex standard; organisation of ring tests; the study of analytical methods with IOC reference; ongoing studies; accreditation of laboratories and panels; electronic working groups; and reference samples for negative attributes of virgin olive oil.

The revision of the Codex standard and preparations for the next meeting of the Codex Committee on Fats and Oils (February 2021) are priorities. An expert group will work on the different aspects of the revision studied by the five eWGs. Studies on the composition of oils with non-standard parameters are also a priority.
Priority will also be given to standards harmonisation, analytical methods and tasting panels, and new activities will be proposed for the next six months.
It is proposed to organise a workshop on the harmonisation of IOC-approved tasting panels, a meeting on nutrition at the Spanish Congress of Epidemiology, a workshop for US producers in Andalusia and an event at the University California, Davis.
The programme for the quality control of olive and olive pomace oils sold in importer countries (Australia, Canada, Brazil, Japan and the USA) will continue in 2020. A revision of the Agreement was proposed and adopted by the Council of Members in November 2019. It is in the process of being signed by the associations.
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