It is possible to participate starting from the 1st September. Closing date for entries is 30th November 2020. This most prestigious contest is aimed at packaging and commercial companies of extra virgin olive oils, but also vegetables preserved in olive oil and other related products. The award ceremony shall take place in Milan, Italy, on Friday 5th February 2021

It has become an annual event, with continuous and new enrichments.The oil companies are now investing heavily in design, with sometimes even important and significant innovations. That is a sign that the value of the image has been understood. Presenting ourselves in a beautiful and fascinating dress, as well as practical and functional, is fundamental, it attracts the consumer, in addition to the fact that it helps to create beauty and combine the goodness of the product with the beauty of the shapes. It is possible to participate in the eighth edition by filling in the appropriate forms and reading the various articles of the regulation point by point.
YOU CAN DOWNLOAD the regulations and application forms in english BY CLICKING HERE
The Jury will assign the following awards, divided into two macro-categories, that shall be given from the first to the fifth one:
– Gift packaging award
– Retail oil award
Other special awards for both categories are the following:
- Special award for best label
- Special award for brand line
- Special award for flavoured olive oils
- Special award for vegetables preserved in olive oil
- Special award for cosmetics and beauty products containing olive oil
- Special award for other oils
- Special award for travel oils (mini packs less than 100ml)
- Special award for originality and style
- Special award for innovation
- Designer of the Year award
- Commendation for social and educational value
- Commendations
There is not only extra virgin olive oil. Even vinegars can compete for packaging and design. In fact, the Le Forme dell’Aceto competition reaches its third edition, whose English version of the regulation and application form can be downloaded CLICKING HERE
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