Why participate in the MIOOA 2021 extra virgin olive oil quality competition?
There are at least 5 good reasons to participate in the Milan International Olive Oil Award, find out what they are!

Why should awards be part of your business strategy, especially in a year as challenging as 2021?
Few companies are aware of the value of awards. Many companies often produce amazing results for their customers but are not recognised for their efforts.
The MIOOA is a unique competition, organised in cooperation with the oldest tasting school ONAOO, a further sign of authority.
By participating in the MIOOA and being recognised, your company can:
- Increase credibility through relaunch on social media and other communication channels
- Increase the possibility of new requests for your olive oils
- Improve the Benchmark and positioning of your company in Italy and abroad
- Your oil will be presented to the most important food service and retail-chain buyers
- Become part of the An insider’s guide to the world’s finest commercial extra-virgin olive oils
Register your participation today
Download the participation form:
MIOOA 2021, Regulation, Application form, Product data sheet, Producer data sheet
MIOOA 2021, Regolamento, Modulo di partecipazione, Scheda prodotto, Scheda aziendale
MIOOA 20201 Reglamento, Formulario de inscripción, Ficha del producto, Ficha de la empresa
MIOOA 2021, Reglement, Bulletin d’inscription, Fiche produit, Fice signaletique de l’entreprise
Fill out the participation form with capital letters.Send it back with the bank deposit receipt to email:posta@olioofficina.com
Mail us three bottles, or other containers, perfectly packaged, for each oil
sample that you wish to enter into the competition until the 31st march 2021.
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