
The importance of prevention

For many years now I have been highlighting the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil, of which the general public seems to be mostly unaware. I have written a book on this subject, edited by Tecniche Nuove, and have been organizing for the last seven years the […]

Luigi Caricato

Something new

Is it still possible to invent something new? To amend and remodel existing things and ideas, or possibly even to radically reformulate them?I believe it is. Innovation runs after us and we cannot escape our fate. It is in our DNA, on the other hand, to strive to […]

Luigi Caricato

Why do we feel so threatened by innovation?

There is a European oil producer, the nationality of whom I choose to conceal, who has a name for bottling and selling excellent extra virgin olive oil. Recently this person tweeted a message that gives us pause for thought. I quote the tweet as it was posted, without […]

Luigi Caricato

The direction to follow

In the novel Le città invisibili (Invisible cities) by Italian author Italo Calvino there is a passage providing what is in my opinion, an excellent portrayal of the concept of enterprise innovativeness. “Marco Polo describes a bridge, stone by stone. ‘But which is the stone that supports the […]

Alfonso Pascale

Comparing oils in an honest manner

Nowadays we are witnessing a new trend: comparing olive oils, examining their attributes and features to rank their overall quality. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as this sort of appraisal is carried out in a straightforward and scrupulous manner. The most common mistake, often concealing […]

Luigi Caricato

What is really at stake

The conference on climate change that took place in Paris from November 30th to December 12th, 2015, ended with the French Minister for Foreign Affairs presiding over the meeting striking the gavel against the sound block and claiming that “a small mallet that can do great things”. The […]

Alfonso Pascale

Meat, from whom should we protect ourselves?

Ever since I started working in the prestigious Institute of Biochemistry at the University of Bologna, I have been trying to understand and keep abreast with all the trends and fads in the field of nutrition. Back in those days, we were already witnessing the denigration of cholesterol, […]

Massimo Cocchi

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Olive oil and the catering industry

The oil-restaurant combination would appear to be a sure bet, but it is not always so. Although olive oil appeals enormously to the consumer, professional caterers, for some seemingly unknown reason, greatly underestimate its importance, and what is most disappointing, they pay no attention to its countless facets […]

Luigi Caricato

Please let the farmers live in peace!

Carlo Petrini (Slow Food) and Oscar Farinetti (Eataly) speak about farmers as if they were a world apart, needing protection. But their real intention is to align them in their “troops”. They were the last “coldirettiani” in the world (note of Olio Officina Globe for the reader: Coldiretti […]

Alfonso Pascale

A non-ideological vision of the economy

On May 1, we celebrate International Workers’ day. For many of the younger generation however, this holiday has no real meaning. It is a day celebrating work, but many people have either lost their job or have yet to find it. To have never worked, or to be […]

Alfonso Pascale


Exactly: we have been caught off guard. We are incapable of dealing with all the problems that have been plaguing Europe for a number of years now, the countless migrants reaching our shores and the hundreds, if not thousands of deaths at sea, which continue to fill us […]

Maria Carla Squeo

Oil and the catering industry, so much laziness

The oil-restaurant combination would appear to be a sure bet, but it is not always so. Although olive oil appeals enormously to the consumer, professional caterers, for some seemingly unknown reason, greatly underestimate its importance, and what is most disappointing, they pay no attention to its countless facets […]

Luigi Caricato

With regard to sweet oil

My in-laws are from Monopoli, a town in northern Puglia, Italy. After getting engaged to my future wife, 26 years ago, I got into the habit of bringing them bottles of extra virgin oil from various production areas, some of which were real rarities. However, their opinion about […]

Michele Labarile