
The price no longer

If on one hand we should be happy that nowadays more people appreciate olive oil, on the other we should be aware that much remains to be done with regard to its quality. Some just go for extra virgin olive oils without thinking too much. Well, if for […]

Luigi Caricato

Beyond the label

The new frontier of food? Eyesight, sense of smell, taste. When choosing what to consume, we cannot rely on the label alone, but must go one step further. The label is only an indication. Useful, very useful, no question about it. It is certainly a key element, but […]

Luigi Caricato

Who tastes, who?

Throughout the years, I have taken part in many national and international oil contests, and in my capacity of taster/judge or tasting panel coordinator, I have been in charge of compiling many scorecards. In the light of my experience, and thanks to my frequent contacts with the oil […]

Lorenzo Cerretani

Caressing the palate

Not only the Mediterranean cuisine but probably also the Mediterranean culture would not exist without olive oil. Together with wine, it is the product that best represents our identity, and has done so for a number of millenniums. The olive tree and the oil it gives are the […]

Nicola Lagioia

Dreams always come true

Dreams always come true, if we cultivate them with care. When in 2012 I inaugurated the Olio Officina Food Festival with – I confess – a certain degree of trepidation, I was certain that I would win my personal bet. I soon realized that I had chosen the […]

Luigi Caricato

A wave of lipophobia

For some time now popular magazines seem to be swept over by a wave of “lipophobia”. All diets followed for either health reasons or to achieve weight loss, dictate that we should limit fat consumption as much as possible. There is no doubt that most Western dietary patterns […]

Francesco Visioli

Blessed be the olive tree at Christmas time

An ancient Italian legend that originated in Abruzzo, among the peasants, recounts an episode of the flight into Egypt of the Sacred Family. According to the story, in an attempt to escape from Herod’s soldiers, Mary climbed up an olive tree, so as to hide among its branches. […]

Alfonso Pascale

Consumers like it sweet

Sweet oil is a technically incorrect term, but sums it up perfectly. In the past, oils were mostly sweet, leaving a soft sensation in the mouth; bitter, piquant notes were usually very faint, if not wholly absent. The consumers seemed to appreciate the sweetish flavour that is typical […]

Luigi Caricato

Oil, a key feature of restaurants

It is strange that to this day, we still wonder why extra virgin oil is not considered a vital element when starting up or running a serious, top-notch restaurant. More attention is devoted to furniture, fabrics, chairs, colour schemes, glasses and dishware. No expense is spared on the […]

Francesco Nacci

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A world ablaze

My young niece Miriam did an excellent job. She has just graduated in Literary, Linguistic and Historical-Philosophical Studies, discussing a thesis on History of Philosophy, and earning top marks. Her thesis was on “The inextricable labyrinth of free will. The debate between Luther and Erasmus”. Fascinated by the […]

Alfonso Pascale

We are here

The beginning is always an important moment. So we hope that Olio Officina Globe will start off on the right foot. For all those who are already familiar with the Olio Officina project, both in Italy and abroad, we would like to explain that our new-born is the […]

Luigi Caricato